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Do straight, white men deserve an apology?

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16 hours ago, Ilyana rasputin said:

Yeh, people need to stop labelling each other and be kind to each other. Revenge and pettiness is making the world a ****ter place. 

16 hours ago, britney_rocks said:

So tired of this generation overusing that victim card. 

Certain groups of people hate on straight white men on a daily basis and then they expect respect from them. The hypocrisy... And I don't think it's mostly Gen Z that is so ''woke'', millennials also have a lot of terrible takes


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11 hours ago, HearMeOnYourRadio said:

Extremely. :neydedance_purple:

Mission accomplished


7 hours ago, Isla said:

Justin Timberlake springs to mind…

This one can choke


4 hours ago, 1stopBopshop said:

What, idk sis. Walk outside your home, grab some white man on the shoulder and say "I apologize to you 🥲"

Done. However it's not me who should apologize


11 hours ago, Crayboy said:


1 hour ago, ItsSway said:

apologize, for what?

For constantly labeling them as racists, homophobes, ***ists, and the worst people on the planet, people on social media feel free to trash them every day and blame them for every evil in this world - and they get away with it. And you might think it's only social media, that it doesn't matter. But no, if a white, straight man said something like that about a person of color or an LGBTQ person, he would get fired from his job


8 hours ago, trip to my touch said:

seems as if the pendulum starts to swing back...

That's what happens when you're either conservative or liberal. People need to understand that both of these sides are extremely radical. Both are forms of mental illness. It's better to be somewhere in between instead of blindly believing and following their ridiculous views. Well, what I mean by this is that for example, conservative people hold beliefs that *******uality is wrong, and let's be real, many of them are racist. However, liberal people for example, hold views that white men are the worst ever and advocate for canceling everyone who misgenders someone, even accidentally


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No this video on this forum.... Imagine the apology that gays must have because of what we have been told and continue to be told.

Esos youtubers tienen una mierda de mentalidad en algunas cosas. 

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