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“The Woman In Me” Alternative Cover!


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8 hours ago, Fab britney said:

Maybe she doesn’t have the confidence in her appearance to have her current image on top of a project that’s going to be referenced for many years to come? I mean she’s posted insta videos talking about the book I think the ppl you take to need to either find hobbies or pick bigger battles 

Nope they all have wonderful productive successful and beautiful lives lol. I don’t personally hate the cover as it’s a memoir of her entire life so any era works but if she’s not confident releasing a current photo maybe it’s not the right time to release a memoir. Just saying. I can understand why people think it’s odd but I’m still buying and reading regardless. 

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1 hour ago, TakeYourHand said:

Nope they all have wonderful productive successful and beautiful lives lol. I don’t personally hate the cover as it’s a memoir of her entire life so any era works but if she’s not confident releasing a current photo maybe it’s not the right time to release a memoir. Just saying. I can understand why people think it’s odd but I’m still buying and reading regardless. 

She’s allowed to get her story out and express herself while not being the poster child everyone needs her to be

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7 minutes ago, devilsadvocate said:

I’m buying the digital version, I don’t want the original cover on my coffee table, seems a bit vulgar for a family coffee table. So I’ll read the book digitally lol

This. It looks like the cover for a Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair spread. Having your top off with a 20+ year old picture feels like a marketing no-no for something so personal as a memoir. I know they say don’t judge a book by its cover but people unfortunately will. Fans won’t care, it could be a picture of her on the toilet. But the general public will absolutely judge its vulgarity and credibility, especially with all the negative press she receives.

Edited by BadBunny
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