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Britney's former employee / new friend talks to the press after probation violation court hearing: I'm not a bad guy

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1 minute ago, DiamondCircus said:

I just had a user tell me that he's glad I'm not around Britney lol yet hasn't said anything in protection of her and is only defending that criminal.

Like girl they can't make it make sense. 

I am a damn good friend and would never enable them the way these fans enable and *** kiss everything. They think they are being good fans and us bad but honey it doesn't work that way. Honesty is the best policy.

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1 minute ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

Do you really think that Britney’s toilet repair man was randomly found outside of a court house and agreed to give an impromptu interview for fun? hasn’t he has been photographed with her on multiple occasions? Would someone not involved in her life be giving a court house interview? Use your critical thinking skills. This isn’t difficult or anything new. He’s taking a page from Sam’s book. 

He wouldn't have been found by the media at the courthouse by chance. That's ridiculous. :orangu_orangutan_ape:  Either he told them, or the media have knowledge. My guess is the latter. My critical thinking skills are fine. Thank you. I'm actually one of the few users who is thinking about this whole situation in a mature and critical way! And not jumping down people's throats demanding I condemn a felon for hanging out with Britney Spears.  :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:


10 minutes ago, princessmimi said:

There was a thread about her being seen coming from a hotel parking lot a few weeks ago on here but idk where it went

and well maybe so.


Honestly none of us know what is going on but I just find it odd how this guy all of a sudden has been seen in her car and at a hotel with he since the divorce announcement a month ago.

Yes, I will say that the timing is strange. And that she's hanging out with some random guy after announcing her divorce!

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53 minutes ago, princessmimi said:

Well have you noticed how much time she's been seen with him even coming from a hotel parking lot?

 Sam also did say she cheated with a house employee and since the guy did work for her, idk if its a coincidence but its almost starting to be believable that it could be true.

Tbh I kind of believe it at this point :/

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Just now, Seanril said:

I am a damn good friend and would never enable them the way these fans enable and *** kiss everything. They think they are being good fans and us bad but honey it doesn't work that way. Honesty is the best policy.

For real like am I confused? I thought giving an opinion on topics and discussions in a forum is what we do here?

I'm the same as you I'm not an enabler and won't yass queen everything. 

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4 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

Controlling behavior girl stop, no one has ever dictated or controlled Britney other than the Con and Jamie.

It's maturity to cosign on endangerment, and undue influence? Hmmm I think you have that definition wrong girl.

Just because you expect people in an open forum to sit with tape over their mouths, their hands cuffed, and to be sheep and only comment when yasss queening to everything she chooses doesn't work that way.

"Thank god I'm nowhere near her" - Listen to yourself you're attacking me for saying this guy could be a danger to her, yet not saying a damn thing about his criminal history and the endangerment to her.

You've really lost control and reality with that comment girl, I didn't tell a grown woman anything I don't speak to Britney I'm in a forum just like you are giving my opinion.

Again, telling me to grow up and going personal is always part of your attack's sweetie, if you're going to ice the cake make sure you get the recipe corrected.  :queenflopga_pink_sass_walking_away_bye:

I'm sorry if you feel that telling you to grow up is an "attack", because I was being very sincere, I don't mean it as an insult but more as a piece of advice, which apparently strangers have the right to give out in here. It does sound like you need to grow up, because most people tend to grow out of the stan mentality of feeling entitlement over their favourite artist and what they do in their personal life. I'm sure you'll get there some day too. And in regards to saying thank god you are nowhere near her, yeah I'm afraid that's very valid too as the last thing Britney needs are controlling people around her who want to make her decisions for her, even if they have convinced themselves they have good intentions.

Nobody is asking you to not have an opinion or "sit with tape over your mouth", but you also seem to struggle with the understanding that if you are going to post your opinions on a public forum, you might get people who challenge you on those opinions and debate them with you. But instead of understanding that, you resort to saying that everyone is "yass queen"ing, a phrase that you seem to be slightly obsessed with, something that I haven't seen anybody actually doing in this thread.

Also not sure where you are getting this bizarre theory of "undue influence" from, but well done for playing into Team Con's narrative I suppose. Some people are just more susceptible than others and that's okay.

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7 minutes ago, EmmaJG said:

Tbh I kind of believe it at this point :/


I hate when people cheat, its just really inconsiderate and hurtful.


Also if this is true,

Why would she cheat with this guy when she had a sxy as hell, young and fit husband right there?

I just hope this isn't true though cause it makes Britney look like she can't keep it in her pants.

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Just now, BlackoutITZ said:

I'm sorry if you feel that telling you to grow up is an "attack", because I was being very sincere, I don't mean it as an insult but more as a piece of advice, which apparently strangers have the right to give out in here. It does sound like you need to grow up, because most people tend to grow out of the stan mentality of feeling entitlement over their favourite artist and what they do in their personal life. I'm sure you'll get there some day too. And in regards to saying thank god you are nowhere near her, yeah I'm afraid that's very valid too as the last thing Britney needs are controlling people around her who want to make her decisions for her, even if they have convinced themselves they have good intentions.

Nobody is asking you to not have an opinion or "sit with tape over your mouth", but you also seem to struggle with the understanding that if you are going to post your opinions on a public forum, you might get people who challenge you on those opinions and debate them with you. But instead of understanding that, you resort to saying that everyone is "yass queen"ing, a phrase that you seem to be slightly obsessed with, something that I haven't seen anybody actually doing in this thread.

Also not sure where you are getting this bizarre theory of "undue influence" from, but well done for playing into Team Con's narrative I suppose. Some people are just more susceptible than others and that's okay.

So, you say I'm telling Britney what to do yet you're telling me what to do by telling me to grow up? You don't see the hypocrisy in that?

The last thing Britney needs are controlling people around her? When did I ever control her, talk to her or stop her from doing anything she's ever wanted to do?

You seem to struggle with the understanding that Britney is a public figure, and her social media posts, and the media reports are going to be posted and challenged when it comes to her behavior, choices and the things she does as a public figure.

Instead of understanding that you enable it and defend a criminal, of course make me and the fans out to be Jack the Ripper and once again don't say anything negative about the criminal.

I'm not sure where you're getting this bizarre theory of growing up and growth, if you look at the topic, Britney was bringing tons of bad people into her life, Sam Lutfi, Adnan and dated him as a paparazzi, now over 13 years later this guy.

That shows no growth in decision making, so before you tell me to grow up sweetie, look at Britney's history of choices. 

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Look I’m one of the fans who tends to give Britney the benefit of the doubt and I roll my eyes and defend her against the people go postal over the ***** or consider the dancing erratic but in this particular situation, I would think we’d all be in agreement that hanging with this dude is a gigantic mistake and is not gonna help her in the end. He’s got a shopping list of criminal acts, he makes K Fed look like a saint!!! Even his name sounds like a serial killer name, obviously not saying he is but he’s totally got the name for it, lol

Sorry but I don't consider it a crime to point out she’s doing something reckless and stupid, i know if she were my sister or friend, i’d call her out on it. Sorry but sometimes actions DO need to be called out, not just swept under the rug and this is one of those situations!!

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2 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

So, you say I'm telling Britney what to do yet you're telling me what to do by telling me to grow up? You don't see the hypocrisy in that?

The last thing Britney needs are controlling people around her? When did I ever control her, talk to her or stop her from doing anything she's ever wanted to do?

You seem to struggle with the understanding that Britney is a public figure, and her social media posts, and the media reports are going to be posted and challenged when it comes to her behavior, choices and the things she does as a public figure.

Instead of understanding that you enable it and defend a criminal, of course make me and the fans out to be Jack the Ripper and once again don't say anything negative about the criminal.

I'm not sure where you're getting this bizarre theory of growing up and growth, if you look at the topic, Britney was bringing tons of bad people into her life, Sam Lutfi, Adnan and dated him as a paparazzi, now over 13 years later this guy.

That shows no growth in decision making, so before you tell me to grow up sweetie, look at Britney's history of choices. 

There's no hypocrisy in that because I'm telling you to grow up based on the conversation we are currently engaged in, it would only be hypocritical if I was telling you to grow up with no valid reason to do so, like you are with Britney.

Once again, nowhere did I "defend a criminal", so I'm really not sure why you are just making things up, I'm sure you can do better than that. It's not my place to defend him, I don't have any need to. I don't think his past convictions are a good thing, but I'm not going to sit here and say that someone I don't know shouldn't be engaging with him when I have absolutely no knowledge of the nature of their relationship nor the nuance of the situation. If something happened that showed us he was being harmful to Britney that would be entirely different, but that hasn't happened.

And you are entitled to your opinion on Britney's "decision making", despite being wildly unqualified to do so. But what you aren't entitled to do is dictate what she should or shouldn't do. That's not your place, and I'm sure some day you'll grow to realise that too. Best wishes to you.

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Just now, BlackoutITZ said:

There's no hypocrisy in that because I'm telling you to grow up based on the conversation we are currently engaged in, it would only be hypocritical if I was telling you to grow up with no valid reason to do so, like you are with Britney.

Once again, nowhere did I "defend a criminal", so I'm really not sure why you are just making things up, I'm sure you can do better than that. It's not my place to defend him, I don't have any need to. I don't think his past convictions are a good thing, but I'm not going to sit here and say that someone I don't know shouldn't be engaging with him when I have absolutely no knowledge of the nature of their relationship nor the nuance of the situation. If something happened that showed us he was being harmful to Britney that would be entirely different, but that hasn't happened.

And you are entitled to your opinion on Britney's "decision making", despite being wildly unqualified to do so. But what you aren't entitled to do is dictate what she should or shouldn't do. That's not your place, and I'm sure some day you'll grow to realise that too. Best wishes to you.

So, I have no valid reason in saying that Britney opening her door to a criminal with a laundry list of crimes isn't valid?

Instead of focusing on attacking me you have yet to say anything about the convicted criminal. 

Once again who is dictating it? We're not in her life why can't you seem to comprehend nobody, but Jamie ever controlled her or dictating her life. 

You saying we know nothing about the situation isn't true, he was hired on to fix toilets and doorknobs in the home, and has been seen out with her having dinner, picking her up from the airport so on and so forth.

We know factually he's got a long criminal history so for you to say that myself or anyone else needs to grow, when Britney is allowing this in her life sis is hilarious. :clownery_makeup_meme:

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5 minutes ago, BlackoutITZ said:

There's no hypocrisy in that because I'm telling you to grow up based on the conversation we are currently engaged in, it would only be hypocritical if I was telling you to grow up with no valid reason to do so, like you are with Britney.

Once again, nowhere did I "defend a criminal", so I'm really not sure why you are just making things up, I'm sure you can do better than that. It's not my place to defend him, I don't have any need to. I don't think his past convictions are a good thing, but I'm not going to sit here and say that someone I don't know shouldn't be engaging with him when I have absolutely no knowledge of the nature of their relationship nor the nuance of the situation. If something happened that showed us he was being harmful to Britney that would be entirely different, but that hasn't happened.

And you are entitled to your opinion on Britney's "decision making", despite being wildly unqualified to do so. But what you aren't entitled to do is dictate what she should or shouldn't do. That's not your place, and I'm sure some day you'll grow to realise that too. Best wishes to you.

What the hell are we suppose to talk about then? We all still enjoy free speech, and this is a public forum. People can voice their opinions and talk about whatever they want. If Britney is “being controlled” by the opinions of random strangers in a website discussion forum then she really does have major problems. 

sit down. 

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29 minutes ago, annalai23 said:

It wouldn't surprise me if Rosengart resigned and drops Britney's case. If so, Britney's really DONE. All she's been doing is making people hard to support her and it's frustrating and embarrassing. I don't know if she's naive or that stupid to dating/hanging with people like Soliz. (C'mon, the media didn't just report him for no reason or totally no truth to it). Her book is coming out next month but now it's reported that she's dating this guy, and he did picking her up from the airport.... How on earth would anyone takes her seriously on what she tells in her book? Her decision making on people is getting from bad to worse. How she comes to this ?

Sure, she can do whatever she wants and decides who she wanna be with. If she really can't see how alarming this guy is, than oh well.... I don't feel sorry for any negativities coming up in her life. It's her choice and her decisions. Keep twirling and modeling cringe outfits and face expressions, dating/hanging with/hiring criminals and frustrating good people in her life and pushing them all away. If she thinks she's only worth people like this, then ok.... 

But really hope Britney, please prove me wrong... :sobbing_unbelievable_wow_head_shake_no_crying_sobbing_sad:


Honestly what is even happening with the case at this point anyways? It’s not going anywhere fast, and at this point Jamie will die of old age before any charges are filed 

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