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Imagine comparing some YouTube stars and c-list celebrities, at best, to THEE Britney Spears. Of course she’s going to get more attention and is held to a higher standard. She isn’t Trisha Paytas who made a career off of crying on her kitchen floor. The logic of some of you fans is seriously so baffling. Not to mention, Britney’s mission has been to essentially destroy her brand and she’s done a mighty fine job at that. That’s why people are confused, shocked, upset or deem her as β€œcrazy”. If she wants to say or post questionable things than what people have been conditioned to think, I’m not going to act surprised when others do, in fact, question it.

Edited by Joshyworld
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43 minutes ago, Radar Horse said:

I'm utterly drained and exhausted by the incessant labeling of her as "crazy" on every corner of social media..... I mean even if she was crazy, can you really blame her for that after everything she's been through????Β In my eyes, she's simply eccentric and anti-conformist.

She embraces her eccentricity and rebellious spirit, going beyond the boundaries of her seemingly perfect pop star persona. But let's be clear, being different or quirky doesn't automatically mean something negative.

Can we talk about the hypocrisy here? People are out here following influencers like Trisha Paytas, Jeffree Star etc who are known for being controversial and causing all sorts of drama. Trisha has posted way crazier stuff than Britney, yet somehow Britney gets all the attention. She's posted way more outrageous stuff than Britney, yet people seem to be more shocked by what Britney shares. It's probably because there aren't many other celebs who keep it as real as Britney does. She's a breath of fresh air in this sea of fakeness.

100 percent. People like to pile on cause it's the cool thing right now. A video where she was dancing in her room some top comments are like "there's something wrong with her".Β  She's a dancer, she like's to dance, and posting videos of herself dancing make something "off" about her? People are stupidΒ 

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I always felt like the ones that are legit crazy are the ones pointing their fingers at her. Like that woman that wished to shoot Britney…what kind of sane person would say that?

and don’t get me started on her whole team, they all need a psych evaluationΒ 

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she’s not crazy. she’s just odd. but that’s good, I like different people - it’s refreshing.

besides, her product has always been top notch - except those times she’s been forced - which is expected.

besides, I think we pay too much attention to too many opinions.

Edited by super.nova
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Britney’s entire brand was crafted on her being perfect in every way. Girls wanted to be her bc she set unrealistic expectations for them. These expectations even exceeded Britney herself bc she was never this perfect Barbie to begin with. She was very much a tomb boy who was rough around the edges. But they grabbed her and completely changed her, from the way she looked, to the way she dressed, to how she composed herself in interviews she was a product that was presented as the one to be.Β 

Its no coincidence that the moment she began dropping the perfect popstar act around 2003/2004 is when she started facing more backlash from the public. People relate Britney with this perfect clean cut image from her early years and now that shes fully herself on all terms, people think shes strange. If Britney would have fully been herself at 16, idt people would have been as obsessed. The real Britney is a dork & goofy, shes not a β€œcool girl”, shes quirky and odd. People just don’t know how to take it & just assume she completely changed, when she was probably a lot more like she is now than the perfect popstar she lead on.Β 

Edited by monalisaney81
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13 minutes ago, Radar Horse said:

Wow, you're just spewing random nonsense. What exactly did she ruin? During the conservatorship, they molded her into this dull, corny soccer mom persona that aged her beyond her years and made her appear much older than her actual age. Let's not forget the disasters like Britney Jean, the cringe-worthy X Factor era, the lackluster Vegas residency, and the mediocre album Glory. Seriously, what brand are you even talking about? Her brand was already tarnished long before all these Instagram antics came into play. It's the tacky, cringe-worthy and cheesy music she's been putting out since 2012 that did most of the damage. 2008 was the last time her brand really felt big.Β 

People have always hypocritically held Britney to a different standard, treating her with unfairness and bias.Β 

There's this undeniable double standard that exists when it comes to her. It's not about influencers or Trisha Paytas; this has been the case for Britney since day one.Β Even in the early 2000s, she was unjustly attacked and getting backlash for being "too s e x y," while her peers were engaging in far more provocative and trashy acts without facing the same level of scrutiny and criticism. It's a twisted game of hypocrisy that continues to haunt her.




Your original post drew comparisons between Britney and Trisha, no? I’m getting whiplash.

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5 minutes ago, Radar Horse said:

No, I'm not comparing Britney to Trisha Paytas. Β What I'm pointing out is the glaring double standard that persists. I could have easily picked another example, like the Kardashians or famous rappers like Nicki, who consistently share much more outrageous content without being subjected to the "crazy" label. It's absolutely absurd how people conveniently overlook their actions while unfairly targeting Britney with criticism. The sheer hypocrisy is mind-boggling. And all of this simply because she doesn't overly filter her photos or rely on professional photographers to curate her content.

I-I have thoughts but I’m kinda afraid to say anything.Β 

β€œCan we talk about the hypocrisy here? People are out here following influencers like Trisha Paytas, Jeffree Star etc who are known for being controversial and causing all sorts of drama. Trisha has posted way crazier stuff than Britney, yet somehow Britney gets all the attention. She's posted way more outrageous stuff than Britney, yet people seem to be more shocked by what Britney shares. It's probably because there aren't many other celebs who keep it as real as Britney does. She's a breath of fresh air in this sea of fakeness.”


I really liked this paragraph. I guess I’ll just leave it at that.Β 

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She's always been weird and unusual but she usually hid it to fit her pop princess image.

The GP isn't used to this side of her and are shocked by it.

Which is weird cause I've seen much weirder content from celebs like Miley for example but you dont see people calling her crazy and unstable.


I think the truth is that everyone has a weird side to them but Britney just happens to not hide that side and shows it to the world.

Which is probably a mistake PR and image wise but oh well,Β 

its not my career and life.

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