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Most OVERRATED Britney Songs?

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30 minutes ago, Cyberia said:

Glory is average at best, very mid-tier , has no memorable/iconic songs tbh, generic production, vocals sounds strained/tired, i will never get the praise; Let's say that Toxic is a 5/5....on the scale of a Toxic I give it 2/5. 


Hold me closer : sounds like those terrible eurovision contest songs, extremely overrated and frontloaded, they did the bare minimum , i guess the standards/expectations were very very low




BOMT/OOPS/TOXIC/MATM/3/CIRCUS/HIAM (VIDEO)/WORK BISH MYAH(!!!!!!!!!) :staysalty_hands_rub_so_there_blue_walk_away_made_my_point:

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Glory is overrated. (4 good songs only : Make Me… - Private Show - If I’m Dancing - Mood Ring)

Hold It Against Me is overrated. 

No need to mention Britney Jean, isn’t even an Britney album.

Toxic is Britney’s greatest song (not necessarily my fav), this song can not be “overrated”. It’s THE SONG.


Edited by Rojo
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