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If Britney ever did the Super Bowl do you think she would bring out Christina Aguilera as a guest?

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3 minutes ago, fays1 said:

They have nothing in common as artists, so I would say no, unless its one performance at an award show or tour.

I rather die than watch Xtina ruining a Britney performance AGAIN. 2003 VMA was enough. No hate to Xtina but they are not on the same level. Xtina is not entertaining to see. Also.. you must be on crack or something to think that a Britney playback performance with Xtina screaming like she is performing from mars is a good idea.


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6 hours ago, Jota del Toro said:

I rather die than watch Xtina ruining a Britney performance AGAIN. 2003 VMA was enough. No hate to Xtina but they are not on the same level. Xtina is not entertaining to see. Also.. you must be on crack or something to think that a Britney playback performance with Xtina screaming like she is performing from mars is a good idea.


Sounds like someone did not grow over their hate of a childhood celebrity

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