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Thoughts on Britney's acting skills?

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I liked her in Crossroads and I LOVED her on HIMYM and W&G but on Jane The Virgin she was a totally different person. I remember reading she had to have every single sentence written on a cuecard, she couldn't memorize any of it, and if you pay attention it really shows she's reading everything. 

Considering people kept saying she was excellent on HIMYM, always on time, knew all her lines and was super professional, it really makes me wonder HOW medicated she was that she couldn't say simple sentences without reading them. 

Also the actor who plays Rafael said he hugged her and she got super awkward and he felt like he harassed her. I guess she wasn't really feeling it and it shows. 

Then, she did the Ew skit with Jimmy Fallon, and imo she looked super nervous there as well, clearly reading her super simple lines.

Since these were the most recent ones, I really don't know. 

Sessions with Ashley gave me some hope tho :lollipop_britney_sucker_dancing_party_2012:

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She was fine in Crossroads, and she's a lot of funny in How I met your mother! I'm not a big fan of her role in 'Will & Grace', but I know I'm the only one in the world that feels a big cringy with it :imok_goo_ooze_yellow_slime_mess_blonde:


I honestly think if she had gotten 'The notebook' role, her career would have been completely different today and she would have explored different roles by mixing it up with her music career :kyliecry_crying_tears_jenner_wipe_sad:





Edited by pablitonizer
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