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K-Fed's 60 minutes Australia interview (video)

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1 hour ago, Displayname30 said:

The comment Jayden makes is very telling, about the whole family not being invited to the wedding and how if they had gone by themselves, things wouldn't have ended 'on good terms'. THAT right there is a red flag of a toxic family dynamic, it is not normal. The Spears/Federlines should have been happy for them to attend the wedding. The poor boys are exposed to really unhealthy family traits., which Britney has rightfully separated herself from. 

The interviewer sucks so bad at her job for not asking him what he means wouldn't have 'ended on good terms.' The implication is that this child's family (dad? grandpa and meemaw?) would be on bad terms with him for going to his own mom's wedding, how do you not ask your interview subject to elaborate? It sounds like he was emotionally manipulated against going but the interview just glazes over that

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56 minutes ago, BritSabel said:

if i were Brit i would leave the US, the signs are clear, kevin and Spears evil secta are little by little turning Britney's children into the next "CON" of their mother, just as Nichelle Nichols' son did , and they won't stop until they catch her again.

Maybe that sounds very dramatic and impossible but nothing surprises me anymore after everything we have seen from judges, lawyers and family... in the end they all work together.


No, not dramatic at all. Because they will always label Britney as mentally ill. So they will always be watching for the next complication, so they can swoop in and save her 

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1 hour ago, BritSabel said:

if i were Brit i would leave the US, the signs are clear, kevin and Spears evil secta are little by little turning Britney's children into the next "CON" of their mother, just as Nichelle Nichols' son did , and they won't stop until they catch her again.

Maybe that sounds very dramatic and impossible but nothing surprises me anymore after everything we have seen from judges, lawyers and family... in the end they all work together.


At least get the hell out of California.

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It feels like it was click bait but it wasn’t! I hit that forward play a lot! The feeding the dogs while being an awkward lump 💩  in the kitchen. That lanky string of misery at the sink too.  What were they doing 🤷‍♀️You just know it’s not his natural habitat unless he’s getting his Scooby snacks at 2am. 



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I think it's crazy and even cruel to still be making documentaries about her when Britney herself has said a thousand times that they make her feel ashamed and mad, so there can't be good intentions behind this. Period.

On the other hand, it's unfair to make a documentary about herself...without her voice!! They did share some seconds of her speaking (from her YT audio), but that's her speaking her mind, it's not her responding to any direct claims about her or this situation. AND she's the protagonist of this story, so what are they even trying to do...

About Kevin, I swear I try not to hate on him because he's a person after all, but he seems like such a liar every time he speaks. I cannot believe a single word he says, and it's also pretty obvious that he's still an active part in Britney's troubles because he wants money. He cannot just say that what's most important to him are the boys, but then be fighting against Britney for more custody time and money on court for years. I really want to see what he does and says once both boys turn 18 years old... That'll be the real test for him.

By the way, I honestly think it was HILARIOUS how they showed him supposedly doing house chores like feeding the dogs and giving them water and grabbing some wet towels (?) while looking fat and slow and tired and messy. You can tell he does not do that on a regular basis; he's just a lazy jobless white man who receives thousands of dollars a month from a hardworking woman. But this television show tried to lie to us and paint him as a committed house husband when he clearly isn't. And that obvious Purina product placement? My gawd we're not stupid... Can they be sincere and honest for a second? This comes from a news channel after all.

However, now that I've watched the whole thing, overall I can say that this documentary has clearly been edited to be somewhat politically correct because what has been shown in teasers up to now on social media was very different from what we finally got. I guess the backlash from the Army was useful to some extent.

Also, where's that teaser clip that they showed of JJ, Fat **** and Caleb sitting next to the pool and laughing about sth? They clearly have taken it out from the final edit for some reason, or is this 18-minute video just a PART of the whole documentary? omg please tell me this is it, I don't want to watch anything else...

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Kevin is so ridiculous. The statements in this don't make ANY SENSE.

He says he wants to protect his children & give them the most normal life possible YET he does a TV interview and allows JAYDEN in front of the camera talking about Britney. 

Why would you let a 15 year old child sit in front of a TV camera and talk about his mother? This is so messed up. He's a mess. I can't.

PLUS I can't believe they TURNED OFF the comment section!

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This is just gross and in such poor taste. They’ve all written her off as the crazy woman who needs to be monitored 24/7 for her own good. I think they’re trying to push her to some kind of breakdown/episode so they can say they told everyone so. I do believe Britney struggles with her mental health. Whatever the diagnosis is isn’t our business. She’s a capable and smart woman and i think the conservatorship was bad for her health. She learned no coping skills because everything was done for her and she was being worked as a distraction. What an awful situation. Kevin and the kids should be ashamed of themselves. They have no empathy for a woman who has given them the world. 

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3 hours ago, Displayname30 said:

The comment Jayden makes is very telling, about the whole family not being invited to the wedding and how if they had gone by themselves, things wouldn't have ended 'on good terms'. THAT right there is a red flag of a toxic family dynamic, it is not normal. The Spears/Federlines should have been happy for them to attend the wedding. The poor boys are exposed to really unhealthy family traits., which Britney has rightfully separated herself from. 


The boys shouldn't feel guilty if they are the only one's in the family that were invited. 

Britney is their mom and Kevin and the entire family should ENCOURAGE them to attend the wedding. They are using the kids as leverage. FROM THE DAY THEY WERE BORN!!! It's so sad.

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2 minutes ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

This is just gross and in such poor taste. They’ve all written her off as the crazy woman who needs to be monitored 24/7 for her own good. I think they’re trying to push her to some kind of breakdown/episode so they can say they told everyone so. I do believe Britney struggles with her mental health. Whatever the diagnosis is isn’t our business. She’s a capable and smart woman and i think the conservatorship was bad for her health. She learned no coping skills because everything was done for her and she was being worked as a distraction. What an awful situation. Kevin and the kids should be ashamed of themselves. They have no empathy for a woman who has given them the world. 

I think we shouldn't blame the kids. I can tell from the interview alone that they were manipulated by Kevin and the entire family. They are 15 and 16 years old and they don't understand the complexity behind the issue. They are being used by Kevin so HIS LAZY *** keeps getting money from Britney.

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1 hour ago, gar said:

At least get the hell out of California.

I doubt she would, because now she's with Sam and he has his own career that is very much dependent on being in Los Angeles. Britney can record and produce music from anywhere. The same cannot be said for Sam's acting and modeling career. There's not exactly a booming filming industry in Ohio or Nebraska or Maine.

She's pretty much limited to California (Los Angeles/Hollywood), Georgia (Atlanta) and New York (NYC), unless she wants to move out of the country to somewhere like Vancouver or Europe, or god forbid, have a long-distance marriage.

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18 minutes ago, OopsOverprotected said:

I think we shouldn't blame the kids. I can tell from the interview alone that they were manipulated by Kevin and the entire family. They are 15 and 16 years old and they don't understand the complexity behind the issue. They are being used by Kevin so HIS LAZY *** keeps getting money from Britney.

Britney was an active parent in their lives. At one point she had them more than half the time. She’s not some deadbeat they never saw. They’re old enough to know how hurt she would be over this. 

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2 hours ago, Jsken said:

The interviewer sucks so bad at her job for not asking him what he means wouldn't have 'ended on good terms.' The implication is that this child's family (dad? grandpa and meemaw?) would be on bad terms with him for going to his own mom's wedding, how do you not ask your interview subject to elaborate? It sounds like he was emotionally manipulated against going but the interview just glazes over that

This happened with Juno Lasagna during her book tour on Good Morning America and Call Her Daddy Podcast. 

I guess they get softball questions... as they play victim about mental health... all in order to lie about Britney. They are so infuriating. I really hope they have it coming to them. This revenge tour is sick.

My girls at the NY Times need to write another expose about Team Con's/K-Fed's coordinated revenge tour. 

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1 hour ago, --- said:

normal? middle-class? aside from the massive checks from britney, right?

Aside from Britney paying for their school tuition, clothes, supplies, tutors, etc. 

Aside from Britney paying K-Fed millions in child support. 

Aside from Britney paying $1.3 million to K-Fraud during their divorce in 2007.

Yet K-Fraud owns no house.... he rents one. How could he not own a mansion in Calababas after receiving millions from Britney? It's ridiculous. Him and his gambling wife have blown it all. 

Just because they can't spend money well doesn't make them middle class. 

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