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Alien is That Girl! 🌹

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Completely agree! It's one of my top 3 Britney songs! I always related to the message so much, just like Britney said in her recent little confessional, I'm an introvert oddball like her :kyliecry_crying_tears_jenner_wipe_sad: So loved Alien right away. People complain so much about the glitch, but I listen to Alien all the time and don't notice it? I mean I've heard it, I know it's there, but unless I specifically am trying to listen for it I don't notice it. I've always focused more on melodies, lyrics and vocals when I listen to music, so when I don't know production and beats aspects of songs like others may. I feel like Alien, Man On The Moon, and Swimming In The Stars are like a trilogy and I loved to hear/see her sing all three live one day :crying2_britney_crying_tears_2003_diane_sobbing_sad:

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