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Britney and Elton John's remix of "Hold Me Closer" has surfaced

Message added by Jordan Miller,

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The second verse sounds like a demo. Until Elton sings “where s** and love no longer gel”, it doesn’t sound like either of them singing that verse. And if it is them then the vocals are too low which also makes me think it’s unfinished. 

Edited by Joe Power
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2 minutes ago, Joe Power said:

The second verse sounds like a demo. Until Elton sings “where s** and love no longer gel”, it doesn’t sound like either of them singing that verse. And if it is them then the vocals are too low which also makes me think it’s unfinished. 

yeah I agree, there are some production details to fix tbh; I think the song is fine as it is, but would prefer a bit of polishing here and there for it to sound like a true masterpiece.

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8 minutes ago, leviathan said:

You’re being pathetic give up.

Pathetic over linking a member with a thread of another forum, their opinions and how I think the general public will perceive the song? Very delusional thought process but okay! 🌹

6 minutes ago, ToxicWomanizer1996 said:

I hate godna is a queen I wish they would be banned they always try to start drama on my posts about how terrible beyonce is 

I love Beyoncé wym 😭 Both her and Britney are the queens :shaking_shake_gold_yellow:

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11 minutes ago, GODNA IS A QUEEN said:

One more (work) day until the weekend! Woohoo!! Anyways. An Exhaler said it’s been getting positive reviews on every pop forum. I decided to check ATRL and saw that it’s been getting mixed reviews so I decided to respond to what was a delusional claim. I hardly even brought up the topic of the song in my last statement but rather how others are currently perceiving it as such! Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I’m sorry you got offended that you felt the need to attack me. That was not the intention here. Again, 95% of my comments in this thread have been to responses like yours. I’d rather not let people walk over me but be able to defend myself. I am done talking about my opinion of the song but curious to know how others outside of Exhale are perceiving it, that’s all!! 

The issue is you keep repeating your opinion with every comment. We get it, you don’t like it. But don’t continue commenting the same (wrong) opinion and then ask not to get crucified because you think you’re entitled to your opinion. I agree, you are entitled to your opinion; however, you don’t have to keep repeating yourself. And if you do, you are also entitled to be criticized and crucified for it. :)

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25 minutes ago, hazel24magic said:

The issue is you keep repeating your opinion with every comment. We get it, you don’t like it. But don’t continue commenting the same (wrong) opinion and then ask not to get crucified because you think you’re entitled to your opinion. I agree, you are entitled to your opinion; however, you don’t have to keep repeating yourself. And if you do, you are also entitled to be criticized and crucified for it. :)

wait till they quote you again and explain how they don’t like the song once more… it’s so sick like just shut up at this point. it’s insane; like imagine this person in real life. the equivalent of nails on a blackboard.

watch them quote this too and tell us again 2x how the song is not good and how they don’t like it and some other paragraphs.

literally insane.

EDIT: and just like clockwork they did. they just can't help themselves. damn. years of therapy still needed for this one; such a big ego.

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