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Britney Book Release Date Guesses?

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A Preorder could be expected by October. This might be a birthday gift to herself by releasing it on Dec 2. However their could be a delay with this ongoing legal dispute. Jamie, Kevin & Lou are gonna after her for defamation no matter what because they hate the fact that Britney is finally having her say.  

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December 2d. 

I’m very excited for this book! I just wonder what the focus is gonna be… it’s impossible for her to talk about everything that happened. Some elements will not be in the book, especially since she started to write only earlier this year. Like for instance I don’t see her writing about Femme Fatale or Britney jean era. 
I think she’ll mostly focus on 2018-2020 with her stay in the facility where she was held against her will that seemed to be the most traumatic for her and the turning point in the whole c-ship story.

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1 hour ago, SonOfSun said:

December 2d. 

I’m very excited for this book! I just wonder what the focus is gonna be… it’s impossible for her to talk about everything that happened. Some elements will not be in the book, especially since she started to write only earlier this year. Like for instance I don’t see her writing about Femme Fatale or Britney jean era. 
I think she’ll mostly focus on 2018-2020 with her stay in the facility where she was held against her will that seemed to be the most traumatic for her and the turning point in the whole c-ship story.

i really think being forced to do domination and that facility was the breaking point for britney cuz before that she was cooperating with the cship, releasing albums,touring etc but after being forced in that facility she rebelled and stopped working, she might talk a bit about the early years and how the cship started but i don’t see the whole book being that, the main focus will be 2018-2021 imo

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