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If Britney Released A Song From ‘Future Nostalgia’ Which Would It Be?

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None of them BUT I have nothing against Dua Lipa (I don't even listen to her)... This 80s sound is something that I really can't stand, I don't understand why it's so popular, It doesn't sound genuine, It's not made with real instruments like the GREAT music from the 80s so yeah :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:... I listen to KPOP and you got no idea of how many groups I had to unstan cause they/their agencies randomly released songs with this annoying retro sound :gross_britney_ew_sick_red_sunglasses_cringe_disgusted: So my point is Britney was already forced to release generic songs since the C-ship started (And yall can't deny that) I wouldn't want this generic 💩 even now that she's free... Unless she really wants to, but I doubt it cause Britney's music especially around the ITZ/Blackout era was really something else... new, fresh, innovative etc, she was growing up and so was her music, not only lyric-wise but also music-wise, production-wise :verycool_britney_nod_glory_yes_yas_mhmm: What we need and what she needs imo is to make step forwards not backwards... But this is obviously just my opinion :raven_thats_so_simone_talking_telling_preaching:

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