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Britney On US Weekly Magazine

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3 minutes ago, GirlOnTheMoon said:

This world is so cruel…If this was any other person, every magazine would be absolutely compassionate, but since it’s Britney, the world just tears her apart…As if being abused was not enough. 

Humiliating her, and abusing her, has become so natural to society, it simply sickens me. But it speaks volumes about what kind of people they are.

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Britney is not living a lie like the magazine imply. Smiling to the cameras means nothing. Not a single person in this world is 100% happy and smiley 24/7, that’s doesn’t exist. She’s having her moment with Sam and of course her relationship with her boys might not be best now but we know who’s at fault. I don’t think Britney enjoys dragging her family in public. 

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7 hours ago, Darec said:

Did they really take Sam out of the picture? .... That headline? OMG. they can't be more horrible🤮.... "The press has manipulated the truth. They're liars'' -Michael Jackson🤍

People Magazine also didn’t put Sam on the cover, just Britney. 

The family clearly hates Sam. I’m sure they will be targeting him again in the future :jamie_lynn_grape:

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4 hours ago, Louis-j said:

Do people still read and believe anything from those trashy magazines ? :orangu_orangutan_ape:

I was getting these sent to my house, guess wrong address lol but they're kinda addicting, not believable at all lmao, just a trainwreck you can't look away from, but I know some people who 100% buy and believe, like, stop giving them money.:imok_goo_ooze_yellow_slime_mess_blonde:

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