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before y’all attack vicky (but judging by some comments here, y’all have already attacked her) she said her trip was planned MONTHS ago and it was very important since her whole family was counting on her, the problem with y’all is that y’all expect the ppl in britneys life to be with her 24/7, same goes with sam, u really think sam and vicky don’t have other responsibilities? 

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8 minutes ago, jokobish said:

I’m talking more in the stance of why isn’t God blessing her ? That hurts me to type, but Why does she have to always go over all these hurdles? She doesn’t deserve it

I’m an atheist so I can’t answer that but I do think it boils down to how nice Britney is and people using that to their own advantage. Thankfully she is standing up for herself more and more these days 

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36 minutes ago, BraveNewSeth said:

Because we live in an evil world and people are just waiting in the wings to take advantage of Britney and people like her. I love, LOVE Britney, but she's nice to a fault and people like that are prone to being taken advantage of. 

I also believe that people catch on how she has been abused by her own blood so they feel like they can do it too. 

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