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Shakira Wants To Leave Spain Says Spanish Press, Piqué Is Against

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The millions earned during their 12 years relationship are not priority to Shakira and Gerard Piqué. Their lawyers are taking care of everything and both don't want each other money. But, according the spanish press, the diverge between them is the custody of their children, Milan and Sasha, of 9 and 7 years old, respectively. The colombian singer is heavily interested to leave Spain, her husband home country and workplace since he plays for Barcelona FC.

According to "Informalia", entertainment segment from newspaper "El Economista", Shakira has no friends in Barcelona, and was only surrounded by her hubby's family. Besides, she is being sued for years by the spanish government for tax evasion. It is estimated that she needs to pay about $16.4 million dollars because she lied about to have lived in Catalunya between 2012 and 2014.

Shakira continues doing concerts all around the world, but it's in the US where she has appeared the most in TV shows. She's been a juror on "The Voice US" and she recently premiered a new show,  "Dancing With Myself" on NBC.

Piqué is against the change. According to sources heard by the spanish newspaper, the defender claims a dramatic change of live would bring problems to their children. The kids are born and raised in Spain. Besides, they study in a bilingual school in Barcelona, focused in north-american education and could stay away from friends. The player don't want to be distanced from them and he's not willing to cease.



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Traumatic? Kids move all the time and they seem well traveled. I think it's better to move when they're younger (especially if moving out of the country) instead of older. From experience, It's very hard to adjust and find new friends the older you get. Plus who knows if the US is where she actually wants to move to. I personally doubt it.

In any case, assuming she's the primary caregiver (I admittedly have no idea), if she has no family or support system in Barcelona, then she should definitely move somewhere where she does. Children most benefit from parents who are healthy and happy. Either way, hopefully they are able to figure out something that works best for the kids and both parents. 

5 hours ago, DanjaMouse said:

Spain is their home. She needs to accept that she decided to start a family there and moving them will probably be traumatic. 


4 hours ago, Sea flower said:

From Spain to the US is a massive change for kids, she can wait until they are a bit older.


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This was another marriage divorce, people need to understand UK, Spain, France, you name it.


This always ends bad, pique loves his country, obviously he doesn't want to move, Shakira with all her jobs in the states, probably thought that was enough..


This always is the case, here both can't compromise. 


The only woman that did, and it made their marriage work was Faith Hill, she basically retired to stay home with the kids so Tim can actually work.


Unfortunately most cant figure that in relationships of this magnitude sometimes an earky retirement is needed to make a relationship work especially the celebrity kind, with both working the relationship part ends especially with musicians and Shakira signed a 15 year deal with live nation for 7 tours, that was gonna add more strain as kids are never home, just a suit case between football career and shakira's career..


So if Britney has her baby, and announces her retirement.  Its a sacrifice in order to make the relationship with sam work. 


He's already said he won't be a stay at home husband, i think Britney kinda likes that idea, he works and she just gets to relax and enjoy life for once her way. 

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9 hours ago, Sea flower said:

From Spain to the US is a massive change for kids, she can wait until they are a bit older.

Technically she can't, she signed a deal with live nation for 2020, it's either she gives back the money, and retures or ends up giving pique the kids.


She has to tour and do all her contractual agreements in the US, or basically go to court.


He should have known when he got into the relationship, Shakira is global, it's not a traditional relationship with a pop star who's global..


She had her duties to oblige or she gers gets taken to court and lose her 250 million deal for 7 tours. 

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It's really a complicated time for Shakira, between this and the trial, but I think right now the biggest of her concerns is the recovery of her father

As some people said, moving is not as traumatic as some make it seem. The kids' lives are gonna change anyways, whether they stay in Spain or not, because their parents won't be together anymore. As it's also been stated, there aren't many reasons for Shakira to stay in Spain so it makes sense she prefers to leave. If it's true he cheated on her with another woman, I don't think a judge would side with him, even if they weren't married. 

So between staying in Spain with Piqué, but not seeing their mom anymore, to moving to the US or wherever else, but with their mom, I think it's obvious what's best for them is to be with Shakira.

It's not like they don't have the resources to fly to Europe on vacations, or Piqué to meet them in the US when he wants to. They'll be fine.

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