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Lou Taylor re-branding her business.

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Sorry guys but it does not look like LT is going to go to jail for what she did to Britney, ever. Pay some money back possibly (hopefully), yes. No criminal charges have been filed, nor does it seem like there will be. 

She had permission for everything she did and charged through the conservator. As for the listening devices in Britney's bedroom, that could be tied to her if there would be evidence that Lou knew what Blackbox/Robin were doing and also took advantage of that information. And even so, chances that she would physically go to jail for that are very slim. 

We can only hope that people won't use her services again out of moral objectifications.

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On 12/28/2021 at 1:28 AM, MajesticalBritney said:

Oh girl...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the only thing launching in the New Year is an investigation into you and your brand. Interesting how she picked a wintry scene in the middle of nowhere covered in snow where you can't really see anything or make out the trees. Everything is covered in heavy snow. And they put SEE YOU IN 2022...really? From where? 

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