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Rosengart DRAGS Jamie Spears for attacking Britney regarding the Diane Saywer Interview: will he now return Britney's millions?


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Rosengart has been amazing. He really has, but I am going to need him to do more. It's a lot of back and forth and dragging (which I'm here for) but I need to see some things actually done. So far, Jamie and the conservatorship have still not been held accountable for anything. And then on top of that, Robin and Jamie just keep blowing Rosengart off and ignoring him? Yeah, he needs to do something about that and show them he isn't playing around. I need fireworks and I need those corrupt people held accountable.

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Just because people around Britney's conservatorship haven't been tweeting or in Variety doesn't mean nobody's talking. I'd be surprised if people haven't been coming to Rosengart with information, including Alex from that documentary. In fact, I think the filmmakers said they were in touch. He might be asking them not to go public for now, to keep Jamie and his lawyers off-balance. It just seems impossible to me that nobody would talk. Lots of people would have seen things and have no reason not to say so.

The longer Jamie and Robin drag it out, the more expensive it gets for them. TriStar is probably paying Robin's legal bills. But, despite the fact that they seem to have a reputation for having immense wealth, they probably don't. There is a rumour that Lou and her husband are writing off their home as a church to avoid taxes. That doesn't say financial competence to me. They will find this publicity has an impact on their business. If Robin, or anybody, starts feeling the pinch, they'll start making deals. Jamie is foolish enough to think it's still a public relations battle. It isn't.

Rosengart knows what he's doing. One month is nothing in a case like this. He got Britney out in four months, nine months after Vivian Thoreen told the world she'd never seen anyone get out of a conservatorship. That is the most important thing. The slow drip, drip, drip of the financials causes the most pain for Jamie, TriStar, and the rest of them.


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Do you not think that some specific action should already have been initiated? How much longer are they going to keep pushing in public in the media. No disrespect to Mathew, I think he's a great guy and he freed Britney but with all due respect the FBI should have been on this case a long time ago. How long can we wait?

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Totally agree these need answering. I just hope he also raises the circa ten years before the listening device allegations... what went on there?

Why was Britney surveilled 24/7? Was the medication she was given appropriate and consensual? How was that administered? What about the facility/s? What did they do to the relationship with her children? How was she made to do things she didn’t want to?Β 

So many things Matthew needs to ask those at the reigns of that conservatorship. The listening device is the pinnacle.Β 

This should turn into a criminal trial (sorry from UK so don’t know what it’s called in USA, federal?).

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7 hours ago, frederiickx said:

You know nothing more than the rest of us. However, so far nothing has been done to hold these people accountable.

You look stupid as usual! I was not indicating that I knew more than the rest of you. I said that we don’t know Β anything at all about what is happening.

You said β€œ nothing has been done to hold these people accountable”, you should get your facts straight. Because some things had been done. And more things are coming for them. This will be going on for years probably. So have a seatΒ 

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Β Refusing to be deposed can lead to

Β 1. Contempt of court 2.Β  Fines, sanctions 3. Paying Rosengart's fees (award of attorneys fees) 4. Sometimes jail timeΒ Β 


Rosengart should file a motion to compel


I also feel he is waiting too long. However probably he is allowing them to dig themselves into a pit and so they cannot say he did not give them time or opportunity to comply or remind them. They will HAVE to comply.Β 

Then he will pounce.

I bet he has evidence and other options up his sleeve.

Possibly sticking with one thing at a time makes it faster and gives them less wiggle roomΒ 

Hope he pulls out the stops at the next hearing though.

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