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Britney calls out Christina Aguilera and thanks Lady Gaga

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10 hours ago, generation glory said:

Re-read what I said. Clearly your reading comprehension skills suck!!! I’m NOT judging her. I’m compassionate and I understand and I believe Britney does make a good point, so she has every right to speak her mind on how she feels and imo it’s ok to feel how she felt abt Xtina not wanting to talk about her ordeal.

I only said maybe Britney should step back from social media for a while BECAUSE her emotions are raw. She’s hurting and reacting to a lot of things & people, which is 100% understandable. However, if things like this is bringing her more heartache and causing her to be more upset then YES for the sake of her healing from 13 years of trauma she might wanna step back from social media temporarily. That isn’t me saying “STFU BRITNEY”. If that’s your interpretation of what I said that’s all on you!!! Work that out for yourself.

I also said she should let it all out & drag a ***** if she must, BUT, again she’s fresh out of an abusive environment and needs to adjust. I hope she’s in therapy and writing in her journal. I know she’s a prayer so I hope she’s having time with God to help her get through this time. Britney is not emotionally ready for some things which is OKAY!!! But we need to all be compassionate as she moves into independent adult life and everything that comes along with that NOW. Such as dealing with an old friend who seemingly didn’t want to discuss the topic of Britney regaining her legal rights & freedom.

It *may* be too much at times for Britney right now if she’s looking at videos or reading things like that and feeling upset and getting more agitated which won’t be helpful. Perhaps step back briefly. I’m sensitive to how she may feel which (I repeat) is justifiable!!!! It’s just not helpful LONGTERM for her healing journey. She was robbed of healing from early traumatic experiences then abused during the conservatorship. She has to start the journey to healing. Social media can **** up people who AREN’T recovering from what she is having to confront but she’s in a delicate place. It may be messy sometimes (that’s ok) but get away from all this **** when it’s messing with her and get therapy to learn how to process and cope with everything. That’s all I’m saying.

Nicely said 

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1 minute ago, Alio said:

Or maybe nothing happened and that's the problem...What if Christina never tried to reach out to Britney or never tried to help in private when in the same time she talks all the time about her " best friend almost like sisters from the Mickey mouse club" . :tina_judging_side_eye_glance_staring_looking_red:

I mean let's face it Christina is basically a female version of Lance Bass.

ps : I think Christina's fans should be happy, with all this attention at least this time she may sell more than 10 copies of her new album. 

Yeah that’s basically what I was getting at, they’ve known each other since they were kids, I’m sure if she wanted too, Christina could of found a way.

Not about to co-sign that ps though, I don’t get into that drama.

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5 minutes ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

To be honest, going over these comments I can't believe people are being this ugly. Okay so I am going to give my opinion about this. I can understand why Christina didn't want to make comments about this whole situation. I mean I don't think this was the time for those questions, especially when Christina was there to promote her Spanish album. With that being said, I don't understand why Britney is calling her out. I could understand if they were friends or close, but I don't think they were. Anyways. I'm so glad b is free, I'm so excited to see the person she actually is. But I once said before she has nothing to lose now. Old Britney from the interviews is gone.... So I think we are going to see the real b.... I hope she moves passed this anger and accepts what happens... Holding on to anger is so toxic. Oh and stop being ugly to each other TF 

Oh Gosh! You guys need to stop with your "WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE REAL B..." bulls *it seriously! Britney is one of the most authentic person in this fake industry, PERIOOOOOOOOOOD!!! You said it like she played a role since all this time! No she has been throught awful things so yeah she's not that kind and innocent like she used to be! But it's still the real B, her kindness is still here, she's still humble, but she's 40 now and tired to be treated like a piece of sh *t by everybody! Alot of people are born kind and sadly life changed them... People changed them... But it doesn't mean they were a fake kind person before!

I also can understand that Xtina is annoyed by these 1000 billions questions about Britney! But you don't understand Britney, because you are not Britney and you don't know all the story happened behind the curtains. Britney never called any celebs out, she did it with Xtina and I'm sure there a reason why!

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2 minutes ago, MonaLisa613 said:

Yeah that’s basically what I was getting at, they’ve known each other since they were kids, I’m sure if she wanted too, Christina could of found a way.

Not about to co-sign that ps though, I don’t get into that drama.

Sorry about that PS, I got excited by this 2000's vibe we have here. Reminds me of my youth :quirkney_britney_well_welp_giggle_lol_hehe_haha_laugh_joke:

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32 minutes ago, Ricardo Santos said:

What? Don't put that way. Your words were very clear! "who are you?" lol don't play the victim here and do not try to reverse the things on me. 

Like if I needed to be somebody to have an opinion. You attitude was trying to invalidate somebody. Doing that way, I'm not the one full Of myself. You are. I just answered you the way I should 😉 I'm not full of myself, but I have my life which I fought for it and a who is not coming here to Me trying to feel superior. Even not knowing me. It was completely disrespectful. 

And I was 100% defending Britney. I'm not only on Britney's side as I am huge supporter of human rights, at any level and for any person. 

I'm her fan since 1999.

I said that she was right to use her voice against one person the kept her life attacking and competing with her (Christina of course). 

She is entitled to her opinion! Even if she is right or not.

Being many years with her mouth shut, I believe, socialogically and psicoligically saying, that she might want to express herself more Than ever. What she did here, was actually showing tiredness and a will to fight over hipocrites. 

The fact that she lived in a cons for so long, she has the right to be transparent and to be annoyed with all of those who failed to her. 

Christina was not obligated to talk about Britney. However, after her post on Twitter and her face in this video are not matching. Just shows that she is not coherent. This type of questions happen in these shows. Christina is not new at it. Following christana's careers, she only cares about herself. And actually she just lost an opportunity to talk about empowerment. 

Just don't come to me with "who are you", despite of not being famous and I'm Not an entertainer. I have my word, my education and my job (that includes fighting for people rights, politically saying), doing what I want. I have done what I feel like doing. 

With this said, I don't have to proof anything. Let's end this way 😉 because I don't owe you nothing and I don't have to justify myself. Stay where you are, I will do the same! 

Well that escalated quickly. Hello, my name is Rodrigo. I am not a native English speaker so I don’t want to read all that. By “Who” I was referring to your persona, because here has been multiple people trying to pass as Britney fans and they were actually team con. We don’t know who but here are actually people like that

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37 minutes ago, Ricardo Santos said:

What? Don't put that way. Your words were very clear! "who are you?" lol don't play the victim here and do not try to reverse the things on me. 

Like if I needed to be somebody to have an opinion. Your attitude was trying to invalidate somebody. Doing that way, I'm not the one full Of myself. You are. I just answered you the way I should 😉 I'm not full of myself, but I have my life which I fought for it and a who is not coming here to Me trying to feel superior. Even not knowing me. It was completely disrespectful. 

And I was 100% defending Britney. I'm not only on Britney's side as I am huge supporter of human rights, at any level and for any person. 

I'm her fan since 1999.

I said that she was right to use her voice against one person the kept her life attacking and competing with her (Christina of course). 

She is entitled to her opinion! Even if she is right or not.

Being many years with her mouth shut, I believe, socialogically and psicoligically saying, that she might want to express herself more Than ever. What she did here, was actually showing tiredness and a will to fight over hipocrites. 

The fact that she lived in a cons for so long, she has the right to be transparent and to be annoyed with all of those who failed to her. 

Christina was not obligated to talk about Britney. However, after her post on Twitter and her face in this video are not matching. Just shows that she is not coherent. This type of questions happen in these shows. Christina is not new at it. Following christana's careers, she only cares about herself. And actually she just lost an opportunity to talk about empowerment. 

Just don't come to me with "who are you", despite of not being famous and I'm Not an entertainer. I have my word, my education and my job (that includes fighting for people rights, politically saying), doing what I want. I have done what I feel like doing. 

With this said, I don't have to proof anything. Let's end this way 😉 because I don't owe you nothing and I don't have to justify myself. Stay where you are, I will do the same! 


What you do or what I do, doesn't matter to this forum. Just don't use your wannabe superior ego over people. Especially when you don't know the people at the other side. I've said what I've said, because I don't allow you to treat me, or to treat anybody else like a who. 

Well that escalated quickly. Hello, my name is Rodrigo. I am not a native English speaker so I am not reading all that. By “Who” I was referring to the persona, because here were people trying to pass as Britney’s fans watching us. Allegedly. 

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13 minutes ago, Benjamyn said:

Hmm the public in comments on posts about this are all saying she is unhinged and is unravelling again :(


I hope Britney is OK. This comment is a bit off for me :(


Oh please STFU!!! Britney has every right to express herself like everyone else does, right or wrong. People can agree or disagree and that’s fine but whoever’s saying she’s “unravelling”… SUCK MY **** YOU PIECE OF **** 

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1 minute ago, Freakshow__ said:

Oh please STFU!!! Britney has every right to express herself like everyone else does, right or wrong. People can agree or disagree and that’s fine but whoever’s saying she’s “unravelling”… SUCK MY **** YOU PIECE OF **** 

I said I hope she is OK because Christinas comment is off... 

Suck your **** yourself you dumb ****

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