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Jamie Lynn reportedly wants Britney to "stop spreading hate"

Message added by Jordan Miller,

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Ooh gurrrl take several seats. You’re just mad bc Britney keeps spitting facts and you’re just mad cause you can’t revise your book by adding another angry at Britney chapter. Save it for book number 2 oh wait, there won’t be one sadly. Shut the fuxk up you bitter no good trailer trash cat killing looney!

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11 hours ago, dfffff said:

Best of all Jamie Lynn inserted a comment below this article.:britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

„Britney needs to shut up about her family. The public isn't the place to plead her case. Besides, she's done so many psycho things that show her to be totally unstable she'd be doing herself a favor to back off. The court will decide her case, not her childish groveling groupies.”


I see you found my comment :jl_jamie_lynn_awkward_cringe_eek:

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Does anyone actually care what JL wants? She didn't care when her sister was suffering with people who abused their power on her. No JL is nothing but common white trash gold digger, who has tried to bleed Britney dry whilst trying to form some semblance of a career that's main highlight in the past 20 years was getting a Baby Bop sponsor!

white trash GIF

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13 hours ago, Britneylandia said:

There’s literally nothing she can do to stop the hate! The audacity! Shut up Juno Lou! You and your brother are horrible and your parents are even worse! Britney is totally free to express her mid and tell us how everyone of you have taken advantage of her and stayed silent while being aware of the abuse she’s been through! 

If you think this is bad, wait until she does an explosive interview, you all are more than done!!



exactly. she's not wrong when she says god have mercy when she finally does... if JL cant handle a few tweets just wait until Britney finally spills.

That family obviously value silence and control where it suits them, and B isn't playing their game no more.

I don't really want to see her upset and angry for it to be broadcast around the globe... One part of me wants Britney to never acknowledge them again and move on with her life, and another part of me wants her to drag them through the dirt 

Either way, it will be her choice - and my god has she earned it.

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