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Adele is coming: '30' posters begin popping up around the world, updates her social media pages

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18 hours ago, Rik said:

sounds like someone has a lot of internalized fatphobia to me. 

No one is saying that you should be obese (it IS unhealthy), but why demean someone for it? 

your comments are so misguided about people that are overweight in general so it’s kind of disappointing that you’re a health or fitness professional that gives people advice on how to be healthier when you are not sensitive  to other people, based on what you’re saying. No one is saying live an unhealthy lifestyle and to not work out. You’re putting words in my mouth. I’m saying don’t shame people for it and understand that people have reasons for looking how they look, whether it’s in their control or not. If you take responsibility and want to work towards becoming healthier, that is incredible and you should be proud of yourself (


But…. Encouraging people to not be proud of themselves and calling people fat activists for simply embracing themselves …. that is what perpetuates further eating disorders. 

that is not what you’re supposed to do as a fitness instructor. You are supposed to encourage people to be healthier, not demean them for their circumstances. Also just for the record, your bull **** about how I am saying that anorexia is somehow deserving of more criticism than being fat is ridiculous. I have struggled with my own eating disorders and I can’t wait for someone to talk some sense into you in the future. Even with that, I can recognize that there is a significant difference in the systemic mistreatment of people who are overweight versus those who are underweight and you cannot deny that. 

and yes you can most definitely struggle with the ability to lose a ton of weight and it does have a lot to do with genetics for some people.  I am proud of Adele for becoming healthier and for loving her body, she looks incredible. 

But your comments, and quite honestly the gif making fun of an overweight person is misguided and ignorant 



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12 hours ago, Rik said:

can u not lol legit most ppl outside of exhale would straight up call you out for this trash talk and discriminatory perspective, and you know it. It’s also obvious what u were using that gif for just based on your perspective of large people. 

Oh god. This is so dangerous though? There’s so many diseases that make it incredibly difficult to lose weight, and again no one is saying we should encourage people to live unhealthy lifestyles. Just don’t shame them for it, and recognize that the flllowing have made it severely difficult for women especially:

* hypothyroidism


*hormonal imbalances 

* Cushing’s syndrome 


I know people first hand who legitimately cannot weigh under 180 pounds because they have hypothyroidism and PCOS. 

That isn’t to say people can’t try to be healthier, nor am I suggesting that it’s impossible for people with diseases to, but understand that it is very difficult for some people who are not lucky to have been born with a smaller frame or free of pre existing medical conditions. But this all around seems quite honestly very very misguided 


I know and I see your point, sis :mhmnod_yes_agree_nodding:. I agree with you about illnesses affecting weight and I know that even medication can affect weight. But I am not talking about that form of weight gain.

I am referencing the people that b1tch and moan about being overweight that do so while stuffing their faces with fattening food choices (soda, fried stuff, sugary sh1t etc etc.) and living a sedentary lifestyle. I already stated that diseases should be taken into consideration, but there are also those that just like their food way too much over their own health. There is no need to shame, since that could even lead to binge eating or another eating disorder, but there is no reason to normalize someone living like a lazy overeater and wanting to pretend they are okay while they decay voluntarily. Those are the people I am talking about, and not the ones afflicted by something they cannot control (be it medication or illness). At some point people need to take responsibility for themselves and change their eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, or just accept that they like eating more than living a life without future complications related to unhealthy weight that was caused due to their own choices. When I was a fattie, I knew deep down it was my own doing and overeating, along with being sedentary. People can't keep blaming this or that without first taking a long hard look at their diet and exercise routine (or lack thereof).

There is no point in keeping a "victim of my circumstances" mentality without at least trying to make healthier choices for themselves. I have seen enough of that, people that needed to hit rock bottom before changing their diet and, lo and behold, they lost weight by putting down the excess sodas, fried stuff and other cr@p, and eating better. People play a part in their weight, and they have control over it.

There are also people that just love an excuse to keep being unhealthy, even if they do not suffer from any form of disease or take medication, they just like food. Nothing stopping them from shedding those pounds, except their own gluttonous ways and living on the couch without taking a walk or doing other aerobics :katyclown_makeup_mess_pie_meme_smile:



Me typing this while shoveling down some sweets



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13 hours ago, Rik said:

can u not lol legit most ppl outside of exhale would straight up call you out for this trash talk and discriminatory perspective, and you know it. It’s also obvious what u were using that gif for just based on your perspective of large people. 

Oh god. This is so dangerous though? There’s so many diseases that make it incredibly difficult to lose weight, and again no one is saying we should encourage people to live unhealthy lifestyles. Just don’t shame them for it, and recognize that the flllowing have made it severely difficult for women especially:

* hypothyroidism


*hormonal imbalances 

* Cushing’s syndrome 


I know people first hand who legitimately cannot weigh under 180 pounds because they have hypothyroidism and PCOS. 

That isn’t to say people can’t try to be healthier, nor am I suggesting that it’s impossible for people with diseases to, but understand that it is very difficult for some people who are not lucky to have been born with a smaller frame or free of pre existing medical conditions. But this all around seems quite honestly very very misguided 


The VAST majority of obese people don’t have any of those underlying issues though so I’m sorry but no, that’s ridiculous, you’re talking about a very minor percentage of those who have more difficulty losing weight but still, they are able.
No you don’t know anyone who “physically cannot get under 180lbs” unless they’re 6’7 tall. Your body cannot hang onto weight if it needs energy. This is literally basic science so you need to just stop with this narrative that some people just can’t lose weight, you’re perpetuating the belief that some people just can’t so shouldn’t try.

Not once have I demeaned or shamed anyone for being fat, you keep saying that as a way to justify your SJW-ing and deflect away from my point that is obesity is NOT healthy, NOT something to embrace and NOT something that should be promoted as OK.

The only people who would consider this “trash talking” are the bone idle fat activists who can’t accept that their bodies are entirely products of their own doing. 

Have fun passing the buck to everyone else rather than putting down the cake and getting off the couch! 

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On 10/1/2021 at 9:15 PM, kdub87 said:

I’m a qualified fitness instructor and practiced for almost a decade so I’ve heard every excuse in the book. I’m sorry but it’s physiologically impossible to be unable to lose weight, don’t be silly. You’re body can’t run on air, consume less calories than you expend and your body will use its fat stores as energy, I can’t break it down any more than that for you.
Healthy food isn’t expensive either, have you seen how many fruits and vegetables you can get for the price of a Wendy’s combo? It’s just that unhealthy food is cheap too but also requires less effort (i.e no prep/cooking/cleaning) so of course it’s more attractive to those who don’t like to exert themselves…



You can though babe, It’s basic science.

Of course you can love yourself, but nourishing your body with healthy food and exercising is real self love. Trying to convince yourself that being obese is healthy and beautiful is self harm. 

Saying that you can be healthy whilst being morbidly obese is just insincere and expecting other people to pander to such ridiculous beliefs is just unreasonable.
The hypocrisy of fat activists that are foaming at the mouth to shout down women like Adele and Rebel Wilson for losing weight and taking care of their health whilst preaching “healthy and beautiful at any size” is a joke. Why aren’t they allowed to be proud and share their passion for switching to a healthy lifestyle? Sounds like jealousy to me.


Being extremely thin is obviously unhealthy, and it’s detrimental that it was popularized as a beauty ideal. However, are you going to justify hyping up obesity as a response to that? How about acknowledging that both extremes are bad? It’s funny that you will acknowledge people starving themselves to be skinny as detrimental yet defend people that are obese from overeating with a barrage of excuses.

We live in a society now where every individual feels they have to be pandered to and tip toed around to placate their sensitivities. Sorry but some of us live in the real world. Being obese is a choice, it’s also grossly unhealthy. If that hurts your feelings that’s something you’re gonna have to work on as it’s your problem. 

The funny part is, despite my background in fitness education I myself are overweight right now. The difference between me and the crazed fat activists is that I take full ownership of my personal choices. I look terrible, I feel terrible and my health is suffering. And you know what? It’s all my own doing, and frankly I’d be embarrassed to expect people to tell me I’m healthy and look great to try and spare my feelings. People need to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. 

What about families. I grew up in an obese family, and I was told I was to skinny, either I get to their weight or disowned  


So how do you go about that one???

Where obesity is a family curse. Especially the south cos of the soul food and fried food. Etc

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5 hours ago, Spicechinodiva said:

What about families. I grew up in an obese family, and I was told I was to skinny, either I get to their weight or disowned  


So how do you go about that one???

Where obesity is a family curse. Especially the south cos of the soul food and fried food. Etc

Your family threatened to disown you unless you ate yourself into obesity? Then I’d say you were emotionally and physically abused as a child. Surely you’re aware now that your family’s lifestyle choices were unhealthy and wrong? Im assuming so since you acknowledged it as such. Does that preclude you currently from physically being able to lose weight and live healthily as a responsible adult? 

Im sympathetic to your childhood struggles but it doesn’t take away from the fact that you’re perfectly free and able to lose weight and be responsible for your own health now. We all have struggles in life and we can blame everyone and everything else for our misgivings but ultimately we are responsible for our own actions and consequences as adults. It’s your choice what you eat and how often you exercise.


Anyway this has totally derailed the thread. Proud of Adele for taking care of her health and think the fat activists should leave her alone and focus on their own health. Looking forward to her new album ❤️

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