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[UPDATED] CNN Special Report – Toxic: Britney Spears’ Battle For Freedom – DISCUSSION THREAD

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I wasn't blown away by this and I wasn't expecting to be. These TV news specials about her situation are always made with information we already know about because we've been following her whole career and life. These are mostly made to inform the general public. A Dateline special from 2020 or 2021 was similar, but I watched it because it was Britney. The only thing new (at least something confirmed by someone who was around to witness it) was the clip we already saw from the tour manager. 

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Lisa MacCarley :yay_britney_excited_ftr_for_the_record_2008_cheering_clapping:

Leanne & other Free Britney movement scenes :yay_britney_excited_ftr_for_the_record_2008_cheering_clapping:

Rosie showing love and support :yay_britney_excited_ftr_for_the_record_2008_cheering_clapping:

That guy on the Circus tour exposing how they only allowed her to read Christian books, etc. and once again knew they were recording her and reading her texts, etc. :yay_britney_excited_ftr_for_the_record_2008_cheering_clapping:

Nothing really new or special about this doc, but if it reaches more eyes for Britney then good for it.

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This was more of a news report recap rather than a documentary in the way that we wanted (as kinda expected from CNN  and for its audience tbh), hopefully Britney didn't watch as it def focused on a lot of unnecessary stuff but at least it keeps spreading the word about the movement and her case, it had a few decent bits (that should've been explored way more) and ended on a positive note with those nice messages..


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Was definitely just a CNN pot boiler but I appreciate them bringing awareness to the boomers and calling out lou Taylor by name directly. Other than that - no new info. Also I’m so sick of hearing about Justin timberlake lol if anyone deserves to be flogged repeatedly and blamed it’s the low life loser who’s still getting payouts and contributed directly to the cship and hasn’t said **** for years even tho she’s the mother of his children and she has been paying his way the last 14 years of his fat *** life.


They could’ve ended the doc saying the next court date! but oh well. Still happy it was a pro Britney doc for the ole casual viewer! 

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