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BREAKING: Britney Spears' father files petition to end conservatorship after 13 years!


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Go watch my Instagram story… it might hit differentlyΒ :wink_britney_everytime_white:

Sorry, I’m just ecstatic this is finally happening.
It’s a proud moment to be a Britney stan, I remember the night the freebritney movement started. I was here on exhale when the voicemail first was brought to light. And here we are guys!Β 

I think the exhale community, and wider Britney army deserve a congratulations.Β 



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This actually brought tears to my eyes :| You can only imagine how Britney herself is feeling now - the relief, the happiness, the sheer excitement of seeing an actual future of possibilities. It's been so long overdue for her!

Whatever she ultimately decides regarding further legal proceedings against all those who abused their positions, I hope she leaves the bulk of this to Rosengart. The guy is not only a shark, but sounds like he genuinely has her best interests at heart too. This is her first taste of freedom in so, so long and I think it'd just be nice for her to revel in that for a little while, without the weight of what's to come.


#BritneysFree <3

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It was clear team Jamie would do everything in their power to keep their position. This is life or death toΒ them. But I trust that a former federal prosecutor that specialises in white collar crime (aka money laundering) knows what the heck he's doing. He's probably seen people like Jamie far too often and has had people tryΒ these things with him a thousand times by now. I trust that this is something he can deal with. The next hearing will be a rollercoaster for sure, I'm just gonna try and stay calm for now.

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