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Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber hang out together

Message added by Jordan Miller,

Comments must be approved manually for this topic moving forward. The amount of hate going on here is very disappointing. Exhale is not meant for overt negativity. If you dislike Justin Bieber and/or Justin Timberlake, that's ok, but please refrain from commenting something hateful. 

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21 minutes ago, Frankie8 said:

Wow I can't believe all the hate for the Biebs.

Anyway, one is clearly riding the others coattails on this project.

Always look forward to what the Prince of Pop Justin does next. Peaches is my jam at the moment.

Rest assured, Frankie8, I attempted to be optimistic and believe they'd look polished and put together. However, once I saw the actual photo, it occured to me that their significant others must have really needed the money. :ehum_britney_um_unsure_confused_what:

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I LOVE THIS!!! Should’ve been a thing at least a decade ago. 

I had read forever ago that either Usher or Justin Timberlake were to be mentors to Bieber & I always thought it was a mistake that Bieber chose Usher instead of Timberlake. 

NOW - they are two princes of pop! It’s true (though I realize you all are kinda just bitter towards one or both)

AND I WANT WHATEVER KHALED IS ON :cigney_britney_smoking_smoke_lit_light_2007_fur_cigarette:

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29 minutes ago, Jordan Miller said:

Super disappointed in a lot of these replies. Let's do better. 

Mr. Miller, I am a long time fan of your site. Additionally, I mean you no disrespect. Just the same, you have now given a platform to two individuals of questionable reputation. These gentleman will likely not lose sleep nor monetary gain through any commentary I or anyone else make here, today. I have at one time been a fan of both these men; however,  both Ms. Gomez and Ms. Spears are publicly known to have been manipulated by these two. Ultimately, I am a greater fan of these women. Respectfully, me sharing how two men with more money than GOD himself seem unable to afford basic self-cleaning products all seems relatively tame by comparison to two women now forced to put their careers on hold to cope with emotional trauma while these men appear to flourish within the same industry. Again, you have made great progress with this site and I applaud you, Jordan. If you feel it necessary for me to apologize, I am open to considering it. Just the same, they're overly wealthy, hurtful fellows and while I may appreciate their art, I don't appreciate their character.

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13 minutes ago, Slayer said:

Love Bieber's music just wish JT wasn't involved.

Respectfully, Slayer, I can appreciate how both individuals involved. I just hope that they tidy up themselves should there be a music video. However, I can understand your point of view regarding Mr. Timberlake. As individuals of a Britney Spears fan site, I am sure we each could. :angietea_angelina_jolie_tea_sips_coffee_mug_cup_drink_spilling_spill:

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