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Britney's style in 2016

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i dont mind it i just wish she could've done it better. Especially her performance looks, they look pretty cheap and messy. Like the lace one with the pom pom esque sleeves, thats cute but the pants and that weird corset belt thing on her stomach ruin it completely. I absolutely adore the mesh sequined star top she wore in 2nd MM mv. Overall i just think a better stylist wouldve been able to improve the looks.

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I love her looks this era. It felt very classic Britney. **** andย a little cheesy (in a good way) with a touch of maturity.ย 

I feel like her styleย always had a touch of tacky, itโ€™s what makes her an original, much rather her unique style than a basic leotard. Even when she wore leotards in 2016 they were done tastefully.ย 

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Overall I agree but, with a few exceptions, most of them seemed cheap af. The fabric and everything. You can tell they didn't invest much but I suppose it also depends on what Britney wants to wear and we know that she's not into high fashion and stuff. I wish she could work with some designers and have a campaign of some sort which she could pull on red carpets and have designer outfits for her performances.

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12 minutes ago, Geralt_of_Rivia said:

Overall I agree but, with a few exceptions, most of them seemed cheap af. The fabric and everything. You can tell they didn't invest much but I suppose it also depends on what Britney wants to wear and we know that she's not into high fashion and stuff. I wish she could work with some designers and have a campaign of some sort which she could pull on red carpets and have designer outfits for her performances.

1 hour ago, MonaLisasDoll said:

i dont mind it i just wish she could've done it better. Especially her performance looks, they look pretty cheap and messy. Like the lace one with the pom pom esque sleeves, thats cute but the pants and that weird corset belt thing on her stomach ruin it completely. I absolutely adore the mesh sequined star top she wore in 2nd MM mv. Overall i just think a better stylist wouldve been able to improve the looks.


Mean. Like what does lookย cheap?ย 

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59 minutes ago, Look But Don't Touch said:


Mean. Like what does lookย cheap?ย 

I'm not being mean. I said that I liked her looks overall but I cannot close my eyes to the fact that the fabric andย design of some outfits lookย cheap. Like, the materials that they were made of don't scream high quality products, that's all.ย gettyimages-627311802.jpgย 

Here. I liked the effects the feathers made while she was dancing but you can tell the material isn't that good. Secondly, look at her black pants; they look like they're made from suede.ย 


I like this outfit on her but let's not forget that they reused it from the iHeart festival. And again, those feathers look cheap.

And beforeย  you call me negative, here are examples of well-looking outfits that don't look cheap from the same year:








GettyImages-597570630.0.jpgย despite the yellow colour




DG3UUegWsAIUORm.jpgย - from 2017 but still, the leotard looks good.


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2 hours ago, Look But Don't Touch said:


Mean. Like what does lookย cheap?ย 

i wasnt trying to be mean lol. I agree with userย @Geralt_of_Riviaย  the feathers skirt was cute but..... idk it looked tacky. Especially that weird neckpiec thing like ugh but i understand what they were going for, like purposefully tacky but they missed the mark imo.ย 

As for the ones you posted, the Loose women, ellen, and graham norton looks were all stunning, subtle, but sophistaced. The ellen mall look is a perfect example of Brits personal style and idk it just works

the 2016 vma was very cute but tbh i think she shouldve used that for pom, ive seen edits on instagram of that look but in silver with her having platinum blonde hair and ugh that wouldve been so much better.ย  Still an amazing and somewhat memorable look imo



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