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What is the biggest I N S U L T thrown at you lately?

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It happened a couple of years ago but it traumatised me: I was in the Netherlands with 2 friends and a man from the streets approached us. I told him i didn't understand him (in a nice way!) and he spit on us and called us stupid pigs. And we run away and he followed us. And nobody helped us! :otears_oprah_crying_tissue_napkin_tears_sobbing_sad: I cried.

I don't recall any recent situation.

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I have body dysphormia because I was overweight as a teen, so ever since I was 20 I've been hitting the gym and tried to look good so Im comfortable in my skin. Most of my relatives, family, and friends, know all of this very well. Since I had hepatitis B in december, I was ordered resting and no gym at least untill April so I gained some weight (like 6kg), lost my abs and got a bit of a belly. My aunt, who knows very well I have body dysphormia and shouldnt tell these things, immediately told me "omg you got fat!" which literally threw me into a sweating episode and completely rekt my self confidence. So nnow I'm doing intermitent fasting :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

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