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pre-show For the Record


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Do any of you remember that pre-show before For the Record was premiered? I think TRL Damien was the one who "interviewed" Britney. I remember how everyone noticed she seemed either super angry or upset. She looked absolutely stunning with a tight black tube top I think. I tried finding the video everywhere and it's nowhere to be found.... SUPER curious about this vid, I watched it live but never saw it since.   let's dig!!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, hi_kevin said:

Do any of you remember that pre-show before For the Record was premiered? I think TRL Damien was the one who "interviewed" Britney. I remember how everyone noticed she seemed either super angry or upset. She looked absolutely stunning with a tight black tube top I think. I tried finding the video everywhere and it's nowhere to be found.... SUPER curious about this vid, I watched it live but never saw it since.   let's dig!!!!!!!

you mean this ?

(wait this one has no sound here's another one)


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4 minutes ago, jj_boha said:

Yes I remember but I don’t know where you can find it. She looked nervous and spoke very little as seen throughout entire circus promo 

yessss.... you remember! 

it’s literally nowhere to be found. i cant even find pictures of her on that night. she looked absolutely stunning.

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I remember people who had went to the taping had said that Britney walked off many times and would talk angrily at Larry who is trying to convince her to continue. I mean she's trying to figure this "cship" already and  know they want to shove her back to work like it's nothing. She did a lot of promo for that era and people love that era because it was like prime Britney again, doing tons of media and solid singles, big blockbuster tours. I can see why she would be upset, basically no one really cares about her health as they claim. I mean she worked a lot for someone who is considered too mentally ill, I remember at my circus show she looked tired at times and we barely got the venue and her bus was already on the road to the next city. 

I'm sure she's proud of her achievements but it's like, how can she be happy if her life is a mess yet she's suppose to put up a smile and pretend like she's Barbie again. 

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