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Does a person’s ***uality influence their taste in music?

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I Am Gay.  And I Listen To Stereotypical ‘Gay Men Music’.  But, I Don’t Think Being A Gay Guy Is The Reason I Listen To It.  I Think That It Was Just The Music I Listened To As A Kid, My Parents Really Influence The Dance Genre Pn My Sister And I.  But The Also Influenced Heavy Metal, And I Will Always Have A Soft Spot For That Music.  It’s Just What I Was Brought Upon.  But Let’s Be Honest, Gay Or Straight, Anyone Who Listens To Britney Has Fantastic Taste In Music.  :barbie:

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34 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

Definetly 102% no. I am a straight person, but i listen and prefer female pop over male singers any day :pleaseshhh: And as a straight person, i dont like rock (except ya know....pop rock :jj:), i hate and loathe hip-hop and rap and always hoping that the genre dies, but i am a complete pop and disco fan. The two genres straight men are afraid to tell out.

I would probably be streaming and paying attention to more male artist if they werent so bad :beynah: thats basically my answerc for why i dont listen to them as much :beynah: Its so sad that we have a handful of male stars like Harry styles, Bruno Mars, The Weekend that are actually great and entertaining artist who are trying to push the boundaries for male standards and then on the other side you have Tekashi :beynah:

I give my attention only to the male stars who are actually good :beyfedup: Until the day i see high male pop standards, great performers, i will be giving 80% of my attention to female artist :lessons:

Its honestly sad, how music is divided by genders when it shouldnt, you didnt leave colours, but now they r coming for music. When will i ever see the da where a straight male isnt called gay for listening to pop, disco, britney spears or any female artist. In the end, music is music and its purpose is to entertain.

For some weird reason, i'm more entertained by female popstars, i just find male popstars very limited artistically, they can't express themselves and evolve in the same way that a female popstar can (except for people like david bowie or something) but most male popstars seem afraid to take risks. 

I personally can't stand how some ppl talk **** about pop music just bc it's popular but then they go watch the latest big budget blockbuster movie, like it doesnt make sense , pop music is just entertainment tbh, it's like video games and movies, at the end of the day we just want to be entertained and escape from the real world a bit 

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19 minutes ago, TheySayImCrazy18 said:

I Am Gay.  And I Listen To Stereotypical ‘Gay Men Music’.  But, I Don’t Think Being A Gay Guy Is The Reason I Listen To It.  I Think That It Was Just The Music I Listened To As A Kid, My Parents Really Influence The Dance Genre Pn My Sister And I.  But The Also Influenced Heavy Metal, And I Will Always Have A Soft Spot For That Music.  It’s Just What I Was Brought Upon.  But Let’s Be Honest, Gay Or Straight, Anyone Who Listens To Britney Has Fantastic Taste In Music.  :barbie:

Kinda same, my mom was very open minded like, i think some parents would be afraid if their son listened to "girly" music but my mom was always very cool about it, i personally think it's such a toxic state of mind to try to act like some music is gay or straight, sure some music is definitely aimed at certain demographics, but there is NO WAY every person on the planet who listens to pop music is gay. 

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9 minutes ago, NotLouTaylor said:

For some weird reason, i'm more entertained by female popstars, i just find male popstars very limited artistically, they can't express themselves and evolve in the same way that a female popstar can (except for people like david bowie or something) but most male popstars seem afraid to take risks. 

Yes, yes, yes and a YES! Male artist CAN develop artisically so much but i havent heard an album this year except for After hours and fine line (if we are counting dec 2019) as good as Future nostalgia, or folklore :beynah: Changes flopped commercially and critically, Music to be ******** by was a medicore success compared to Kamikaze,Father of all mmm, was deemed as greendays worst work, Tekashi news album, lets forget that it ever existed, so then where is the good male music? :beynah:

Women have to work so hard compared to men to have success and put so much dedication towards their work and then be called a bad album, a desperate copy of a <insert male album>. But when a male lazily with no hard work and reinvention drops an album, its instantly the best album? The hypocrisy towards female stars is real, thats why i listen to them much more, because there is basically, any good male popstars except harry styles, and weekend? lets not touch the rap side.

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1 minute ago, Style. said:

My friend is a football player and he is str8 and asked me the other day, “why are you listening to Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj, bro? Are you gay or something?”I had to lie and told him “I listen to them because they are beautiful and have a great a.ss, brooooo”. :leaving: 



I really can't stand people like that, lord. It's such a bad state of mind, why should we be ashamed of what we like if it's not immoral? we aren't hurting anybody. Seems like people are projecting their own insecurities to others, they're scared so they want you to be scared too. 

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3 minutes ago, Style. said:

My friend is a football player and he is str8 and asked me the other day, “why are you listening to Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj, bro? Are you gay or something?”I had to lie and told him “I listen to them because they are beautiful and have a great a.ss, brooooo”. :leaving: 



Oh, wait so your a male? Its so sad for why we should literally cover up why we listen to female artist with some excuse degrades a womans value, it definetly sucks!

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48 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

Definetly 102% no. I am a straight person, but i listen and prefer female pop over male singers any day :pleaseshhh: And as a straight person, i dont like rock (except ya know....pop rock :jj:), i hate and loathe hip-hop and rap and always hoping that the genre dies, but i am a complete pop and disco fan. The two genres straight men are afraid to tell out.

I would probably be streaming and paying attention to more male artist if they werent so bad :beynah: thats basically my answerc for why i dont listen to them as much :beynah: Its so sad that we have a handful of male stars like Harry styles, Bruno Mars, The Weekend that are actually great and entertaining artist who are trying to push the boundaries for male standards and then on the other side you have Tekashi :beynah:

I give my attention only to the male stars who are actually good :beyfedup: Until the day i see high male pop standards, great performers, i will be giving 80% of my attention to female artist :lessons:

Its honestly sad, how music is divided by genders when it shouldnt, you didnt leave colours, but now they r coming for music. When will i ever see the da where a straight male isnt called gay for listening to pop, disco, britney spears or any female artist. In the end, music is music and its purpose is to entertain.

Are you my str8 friend? Robert, is that you? 

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9 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

Yes, yes, yes and a YES! Male artist CAN develop artisically so much but i havent heard an album this year except for After hours and fine line (if we are counting dec 2019) as good as Future nostalgia, or folklore :beynah: Changes flopped commercially and critically, Music to be ******** by was a medicore success compared to Kamikaze,Father of all mmm, was deemed as greendays worst work, Tekashi news album, lets forget that it ever existed, so then where is the good male music? :beynah:

Women have to work so hard compared to men to have success and put so much dedication towards their work and then be called a bad album, a desperate copy of a <insert male album>. But when a male lazily with no hard work and reinvention drops an album, its instantly the best album? The hypocrisy towards female stars is real, thats why i listen to them much more, because there is basically, any good male popstars except harry styles, and weekend? lets not touch the rap side.

I like The Weeknd, he's put out good stuff lately, he's kinda unstoppable lol.  It's sad how in this society women need to be twice as good as men for half of their success and reputation. If you evaluate popstars just on like... talent and quality of their work, the top 10 would be easily 90% female. I feel like, it's also the fault of post-Grunge and Gangsta Rap in the early 90s after the reign of male pop superheroes like Bowie, Prince, and MJ - the idea of a "gender fluid"/androgynous male pop superstar became kinda unacceptable instead of just looked at funny. So now it's associated with being feminine, and only females are allowed to pull off extravagant and ambitiously colorful ideas and eras and performances. It's weird. 

You look at male pop stars from previous generations and they seem so much more entertaining and exciting. In this age where boundaries are being pushed  in terms of gender expression why are the current pop boys so conventional and uninteresting?

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9 minutes ago, NotLouTaylor said:

I like The Weeknd, he's put out good stuff lately, he's kinda unstoppable lol.  It's sad how in this society women need to be twice as good as men for half of their success and reputation. If you evaluate popstars just on like... talent and quality of their work, the top 10 would be easily 90% female. I feel like, it's also the fault of post-Grunge and Gangsta Rap in the early 90s after the reign of male pop superheroes like Bowie, Prince, and MJ - the idea of a "gender fluid"/androgynous male pop superstar became kinda unacceptable instead of just looked at funny. So now it's associated with being feminine, and only females are allowed to pull off extravagant and ambitiously colorful ideas and eras and performances. It's weird. 

You look at male pop stars from previous generations and they seem so much more entertaining and exciting. In this age where boundaries are being pushed  in terms of gender expression why are the current pop boys so conventional and uninteresting?

Preach! we are living in times where we shouldnt be judged for our taste, or times where "gender" limits an artist. Whats the point, if you did not have Madonna who broke those standards and liberated women? why can there be a male popstar who comes break boundaries for men, and show them how its done.

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5 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

Preach! we are living in times where we shouldnt be judged for our taste, or times where "gender" limits an artist. Whats the point, if you did not have Madonna who broke those standards and liberated women? why can there be a male popstar who comes break boundaries for men, and show them how its done.

Totally yep!! I agree 100%. 

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Well there’s sorta two answers to this question. For instance - 

I think that being gay and involved in gay culture can influence the music you listen to for sure, there are genres and artists that are heavily part of gay culture and others that aren’t. 

However, I don’t think listening to a particular genre of music can make someone gay or influence their sexuality, that’s ludicrous.

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