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Belinda is a 30 year old singer and actress, that even though she was born in Spain, she's lived in Mexico basically all of her life. She started her career at a very young age, and her first major role was at age 10 in the telenovela Amigos x Siempre from the year 2000.

After her third telenovela, she launched her solo career with a lot of success, although it's been many years since the last time she released a studio album. She even participated in the Disney Channel movie The Cheetah Girls 2.

Hated by many, but loved by even more people, whether they like her or not, what's always been undeniable is her talent and beauty. Lately she's served as a judge in some editions of The Voice, and this is her latest performance:

This song is called En el Amor Hay Que Perdonar, released in 2012, but the original version is very different, this is why this new arrangement was unexpected:



Despite not releasing a new album in a while, she's released sparse singles over the years, mostly collaborations, Amor a Primera Vista being one of the most successful, which came out last year:










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Her first telenovela, Amigos x Siempre


She later did Aventuras en el Tiempo


But probably the most famous was Cómplices al Rescate, where she played the roles of two twin sisters separated at birth





There's even a song that mentions Britney and Christina :haha:


This was also one of the biggest meltdowns for everyone that grew up watching her telenovelas, since towards the end of the story, she was replaced by another actress, and to this day it's still something they get asked about on interviews :sobbing:



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Finally! I grew up with Belinda, so I’m losing it right now. I even saw her live, back in 2005. 
She is often criticized and her talent and gorgeous voice are overlooked. 
Stream ‘Utopia’, her sophomore studio album. Also,  Egoísta and En El Amor Hay Que Perdonar are legit bops (the latter music video... OMG) 

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omg i LOVE Belinda

I was gonna make this thread but i'm glad you did cause you went way more in depth than i would have hahaha

Belinda really is such a great artist, I love all 4 of her albums.

Belinda (2003), her debut, is a fun, power pop/ pop rock, record. A little immature for my taste but she was so young when she made it so it makes sense. Definitely great.

Standout Tracks: Lo Siento, Boba Niña Nice, Be Free

Utopia (2006) is a bit of a darker and more mature sound, definitely Avril inspired (as her first record was too). Luz Sin Gravedad is one of the most beautiful songs ever, I highly recommend you all give it a listen, there's an English version too. Love this album.

Standout tracks:  Luz Sin Gravedad, Bella Tración, Alguién Más.

Carpe Diem (2010) has more of a fun vibe compared to Utopia; it's definitely less rock seeming, and is pretty much just straight forward pop with some slightly more electronic elements. It has Egoísta ft Pitbull which was the lead single and a really fun track, although it feels kinda immature. Probably my least favorite album by her but still really enjoyable. Sal De Mi Piel is such a gorgeous ballad.

Standout tracks: Dopamina, Sal De Mi Piel, Duele. 

Catarsis (2013) definitely has that EDM vibe that pop from around that time had, kind of slightly like Femme Fatale and MDNA. More dancey and autotuned tracks. Really enjoyable album start to finish with some nice dance/workout tracks along with some beautiful ballads. 

Standout Tracks: En La Oscuridad, En El Amor Hay Que Perdonar, Vuelve a Mi.

I really hope she starts to get more recognition, anyone who's a fan of pop music would like her music. I would describe it as a mix of Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne, but in Spanish, and her albums are all pretty great start to finish with few filler tracks. You don't have to know Spanish to enjoy her music but she really writes such beautiful lyrics so it's definitely a plus.

Definitely my favorite artist from the hispanic world; I don't really get why Mexico seems to not like her? IMO they should be proud of her and try to support her considering Mexican artists aren't really hitting it big internationally while Columbian and Puerto Rican artists are.

hope she releases a new album soon! I hope she hasn't given up on solo music!

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2 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

Her first telenovela, Amigos x Siempre


She later did Aventuras en el Tiempo


But probably the most famous was Cómplices al Rescate, where she played the roles of two twin sisters separated at birth





There's even a song that mentions Britney and Christina :haha:


This was also one of the biggest meltdowns for everyone that grew up watching her telenovelas, since towards the end of the story, she was replaced by another actress, and to this day it's still something they get asked about on interviews :sobbing:



The song in which she namechecks Britney and Christina says “Britney y Christina ahora tendrán que preocuparse” which translates “Britney and Christina will now have to worry”, implying she was the next main pop girl. She sang this as a child so it was super cute. 

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32 minutes ago, HuffingAndPuffingOnStage said:

omg i LOVE Belinda

I was gonna make this thread but i'm glad you did cause you went way more in depth than i would have hahaha

Belinda really is such a great artist, I love all 4 of her albums.

Belinda (2003), her debut, is a fun, power pop/ pop rock, record. A little immature for my taste but she was so young when she made it so it makes sense. Definitely great.

Standout Tracks: Lo Siento, Boba Niña Nice, Be Free

Utopia (2006) is a bit of a darker and more mature sound, definitely Avril inspired (as her first record was too). Luz Sin Gravedad is one of the most beautiful songs ever, I highly recommend you all give it a listen, there's an English version too. Love this album.

Standout tracks:  Luz Sin Gravedad, Bella Tración, Alguién Más.

Carpe Diem (2010) has more of a fun vibe compared to Utopia; it's definitely less rock seeming, and is pretty much just straight forward pop with some slightly more electronic elements. It has Egoísta ft Pitbull which was the lead single and a really fun track, although it feels kinda immature. Probably my least favorite album by her but still really enjoyable. Sal De Mi Piel is such a gorgeous ballad.

Standout tracks: Dopamina, Sal De Mi Piel, Duele. 

Catarsis (2013) definitely has that EDM vibe that pop from around that time had, kind of slightly like Femme Fatale and MDNA. More dancey and autotuned tracks. Really enjoyable album start to finish with some nice dance/workout tracks along with some beautiful ballads. 

Standout Tracks: En La Oscuridad, En El Amor Hay Que Perdonar, Vuelve a Mi.

I really hope she starts to get more recognition, anyone who's a fan of pop music would like her music. I would describe it as a mix of Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne, but in Spanish, and her albums are all pretty great start to finish with few filler tracks. You don't have to know Spanish to enjoy her music but she really writes such beautiful lyrics so it's definitely a plus.

Definitely my favorite artist from the hispanic world; I don't really get why Mexico seems to not like her? IMO they should be proud of her and try to support her considering Mexican artists aren't really hitting it big internationally while Columbian and Puerto Rican artists are.

hope she releases a new album soon! I hope she hasn't given up on solo music!

I love you for loving ‘Alguien Más’ 

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2 hours ago, HuffingAndPuffingOnStage said:

Definitely my favorite artist from the hispanic world; I don't really get why Mexico seems to not like her? IMO they should be proud of her and try to support her considering Mexican artists aren't really hitting it big internationally while Columbian and Puerto Rican artists are.

i don't know FarScaryEwe-small.gif


I was just reading this morning an article about an interview of an Argentinian "singer" which is the lead member of the band The Sacados. He talked about how he never expected to end up doing pop music, and how back in the 90's he was almost ashamed to go onstage for his shows, because in Argentina they were all about rock, and pop wasn't well seen. The group started to become very popular in Latin America, and especially in Mexico and he was surprised how here it was "ok" to like both pop and rock. And it was.

But at some point, that was lost again. I'm no psychologist or anything, but our country is very ****** and misogynist and I think that has a lot to do with how we perceive other things. So while in the 90's it was ok, even for guys to go pop, and there were all these boy bands doing choreos and singing about love and stuff like that, in the 2000's that would've been seen as something ridiculous. Anything remotely femenine would be considered inferior, and I think pop is usually inherently femenine, thus the whole rock > pop or deeper voices > soft, high pitched voices. And I have to note that it's not only men that have this mentality, but I think it's even stronger in women, and even among gay men (though in recent years there's been more openness, especially in the entertainment business, but in general I think our society is very far behind).

And there's also the whole belief that pop artists = no talent, or plastic, pre-fabricated artists. But somehow pop music is everywhere and everyone knows lots of pop songs. Like everyone knows a Paulina Rubio song, but no one will ever admit they like her, because that would be like social suicide. It's embarrassing to like pop, and even more to "stan" a pop artist. And on top of that, we have to add that all these artists' attitudes didn't help them either, many of them, especially the women like Paulina and Thalia, Belinda etc, started to become very diva-ish, very unreachable, and people don't like that, unless it's a man, like Luis Miguel :oprah: then he becomes a legend and gets a Netflix series about his life.

Shakira had a pass, because despite everything, she started, at least in here, with a rock / rock-pop sound and she was foreigner AND she made it in the US. Which is another thing we have, we tend to value more foreign acts than our own, or people that make it in the States, like Salma Hayek or Diego Luna, despite having many more talented people in here. There's many artists, singers and actors, that come from Argentina, Spain, Colombia, etc, and they aren't even known in their countries, but here it's like they become instantly famous just for being from another country.

And on top of all of that, being a woman, being pop, Belinda also comes from Televisa, which is also very hated by everyone (despite basically having the Mexican television industry monopolized for a huge part of history and everyone growing up with it).


So I would've expected rock bands to become the leaders of the music industry in here, but somehow it was the regional music ( :ugh: ) and reggaeton what took over, which has more to do with the ignorance that prevails in our society and lack of knowledge in music and arts, than any other reason. And even then, the sexism still prevails.

Something like this has almost 1 billion views


But you'll hardly find a female act in that genre. I can only think of Jeni Rivera, but she passed away years ago in an accident.

There is this relatively new act, but she barely cracked the 100M with just one video


Ana Bárbara is another act that has been around since the 90's, but again, she's not as successful. Also, she leans a bit towards pop, so we know how that goes :oprah:


Thalia is the only one that has kinda survived, because she embraced the urban music and has stayed more present in social media. But she's seen more like a joke by most people, because she's a woman, she's pop, she's from Televisa, she didn't make it in the US and on top of that, now she's "old" despite looking better than any 20 year old girl. Paulina is all of that, but also her singing skills are non-existent so, her case is even worse :britdrown:

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