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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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13 minutes ago, germanguy20 said:

It was mentioned earlier and it is amazing. Especially after she did the photoshoot and liked freebritney posts before. 

I wonder whether her team knew or not

Ok so I just read on Twitter that she likes every single comment left on her photos, so idk anymore 

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5 minutes ago, c.z said:

Ok so I just read on Twitter that she likes every single comment left on her photos, so idk anymore 

Maybe someone should ask her, who came with concept and outfit for that pic. Did Britney said; hi girl, bring that red background for me I need some blush :werk:

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4 minutes ago, Shrekney said:

There was literally a woman on bath salts in Houston last year (or the year before... regardless) who stopped traffic on the largest freeway in the states bc she was high out of her damn mind, climbed on top of an 18 wheeler and proceeded to take off all her clothes. It was all over the local Houston news. And guess what? 



Shes not locked into a conservatorship. :sneer:


Yes Britney was acting sloppy af on the streets but it’s nowhere near the scale of what I see most literal crazy addicts do on the streets of major urban cities. ****, I was a hot mess too when I was some cringy *** rave kid acting a fool on the streets, the only difference was I didn’t have an army of pooparazzi trying to induce some photosensitive seizure by photographing my every breath only to sell the photos to the sick media that was taking the upmost sadistic pleasure of blasting my lowest point on every television screen on the planet, all for ratings. :meltdown:


Aside from the obvious paraphernalia and public indecency charges people high on streets get when caught, most don’t get labeled mentally impaired and locked into a LIFETIME conservatorship. :holduplisten: like people wake TF up. Britney’s is situation is straight up WRONG. It’s DISGUSTING most people in f**king prison have more rights than her. :lemmetellu: I’m seething at the fact that old expired moldy windbag Loucifer constructed the entire conservatorship (after harassing Britney with creepy emails and going behind her back by talking to her father) and has the audacity to use the name of the lord by throwing bible quotes left and right as a pathetic attempt to look like a good person. She’s the fakest Christian I’ve ever seen. Even westburo Baptist bigots don’t f**king enslave people. As crazy as this sounds, I’m not sure I’d even wish what happened to Britney on her. It’s that f**ked up. :notfeelinit: She needs to get investigated and if she’s innocent and has nothing to hide, then what’s the problem with some investigation? Doesn’t your grandma *** want some spotlight too Loucifer? :umok: Wouldn’t it be fun being in front of the cameras, wearing one of your trashy cheap tristar jackets, laughing at everyone who accused you of human trafficking after being proven innocent? What’s there to hide? 



Can't decide if she is evil or brainwashed by the cult. 

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On 5/3/2019 at 9:13 PM, Goneforever said:

I found an old article that covered the reality of Britney's childhood. 

Britney Spears: The inside story behind her demons - she was scared of drunken dad 

1) It was a traumatic scene that no child should ever have to see, but one that was replayed over and over again in the young life of Britney Spears. Her father Jamie was shouting, her mother Lynne lay crumpled in a heap on the kitchen floor. Then, her dad begging for forgiveness at her feet, Lynne would give him yet another chance. Such distressing, emotionally-charged episodes were all too familiar during Britney’s childhood.Britney Jean Spears was not born into a stable home. She was born into a dysfunctional disordered one because of her father’s alcoholic rages.The rows and fights she witnessed left her a bundle of nerves that others, including her own mother, would mistake for natural excitement or energy

Her Uncle Willie – “One time Jamie was drunk and tried to drive off with Britney in the car. She was no more than five years old. I tried to stop him, so I reached into the truck to grab the keys from the ignition and he punched me. We got right into it there by the car, fighting in front of her. 

2)The full extent of the Spears’ poverty has never fully been told. But some periods were so dark and desperate that Britney would go to the fridge and find it bare. Her dad would hunt for food in the woods near their home – that meant eating rabbit and squirrel. 

3) Away from the cameras she was a nervous wreck and had been prescribed Prozac (used for depression and panic attacks) at the age of 18. During the European leg of her Oops! I Did It Again tour in the winter of 2000, she began having “massive anxieties” in the middle of the night. A source close to her says: “She had trouble sleeping and crying fits. She was restless and agitated. Nights were the only times she was alone and she struggled with that… When nothing was happening, it drove her crazy. Only exhaustion would knock her out.”Such anxiety was not ****-induced. This was Britney’s natural state, but heightened by fame. Her moods started to swing noticeably, high and happy one minute, sad and brooding the next.  


Maybe thats why she bonded so strongly with Xtina on the MMC. Xtina also had an unstable home with an abusive father towards her and her mother, the same thing that happened with Britney it seems. Christina never got along with her father ofc and Lynne said this about Britney and Jamie as well. 

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