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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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8 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

Larry only knows 2 ways to market an artist . over sexualize young ladies , and sell comeback .

He is ennjoying every second of this mess, thinking about the comeback story is gonna make, and think about all the money he is gonna add to his Rudolph Family Trust (and yes this is really his trust name company :jj:)

Talking about "Rudolph Family Trust" it is interesting to see that in 2014 he paid nearly $3M for a house valued at around $1,1M .

Very interesting.... 

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45 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:

It fits perfectly.


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Ethics and Conflict of Interest

by Michael McDonald

You’ve seen the headlines, “Politician caught in conflict of interest ” or “professional denies conflict of interest allegations. ” You probably were thankful that you were not the subject of the newspaper story. But you also may have wondered what exactly is a conflict of interest, why such conflicts are ethically significant, and what you can do to avoid being in one.


I define a conflict of interest as “a situation in which a person, such as a public official, an employee, or a professional, has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her official duties. ” There are three key elements in this definition. First, there is a private or personal interest. Often this is a financial interest, but it could also be another sort of interest, say, to provide a special advantage to a spouse or child. Taken by themselves, there is nothing wrong with pursuing private or personal interests, for instance, changing jobs for more pay or helping your daughter improve her golf stroke.

The problem comes when this private interest comes into conflict with the second feature of the definition, an “official duty” — quite literally the duty you have because you have an office or act in an official capacity. As a professional you take on certain official responsibilities, by which you acquire obligations to clients, employers, or others. These obligations are supposed to trump private or personal interests.

Third, conflicts of interest interfere with professional responsibilities in a specific way, namely, by interfering with objective professional judgment. A major reasons clients and employers value professionals is that they expect professionals to be objective and independent. Factors, like private and personal interests, that either interfere or appear likely to interfere with objectivity are then a matter of legitimate concern to those who rely on professionals — be they clients, employers, professional colleagues, or the general public. So it is also important to avoid apparent and potential as well as actual conflicts of interests. An apparent conflict of interest is one which a reasonable person would think that the professional’s judgment is likely to be compromised. A potential conflict of interest involves a situation that may develop into an actual conflict of interest.


I wrote about that a lot of pages back, my question is why is this legal? I cannot understand in what conceivable way would this make any sense. Especially since these situations are created for the protection for the conservatee. How can they ensure that a person that is so incapacitated as needed for this c-ship is not being abused if they cannot hire their own council outside of the control that has the power to be abusive.

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9 minutes ago, CripplerCrossface said:

It's pretty clear why they change her to be the president of that company instead of Jamie, they are going to do some money laundry and they're not that stupid to still have the company in Jamie's name

Or they learned about a coming lawsuit and they’re shielding themselves behind Britney’s name. 

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Yeah pop stars have very fake images. They make all the same real, big and bad mistakes that we do but their image is a huge part of their brand $ so the management does whatever to keep the $ coming. It's a dishonest industry. I feel 99% same as you. For some reason I always have hope that she will end up happy living with Sam or her next foreign man in another country. Flop or completely done music wise but that ship sailed a while back. 

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9 hours ago, Winter _90 said:

They have always worked together and I thought that.

Maybe the problem was bc Johnny worked with JT as well and bc Sonia didnt she kept her anyway.

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6 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:

Or they learned about a coming lawsuit and they’re shielding themselves behind Britney’s name. 

There is no way they can do that, Britney is in no way responsible for any business practices perpetrated by her team. She legally does not have that power.

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I want to see justice served for her and after the last 11 years of the c-ship, she gets what she deserves, her personal freedom. 

She does have a few albums left on her contract- so yeah I would love to hear the next step from Glory. An album she pushed. Who cares about sales. Use it to make music she wants to make. Sing how she wants to sing. She is at the end of her ‘active’ career now. 

And I guess another residency as her team signed her on to another one just to cancel it months later. I assume to get out of that mess she will need to complete that contract at some stage. 

I prefer this glass house being smashed down. It was inevitable anyway with how her managers/ c-ship controlled her. And guess what it’s not her fault as she doesn’t even sail this ship. Her dad does 11 years strong. When it was supposed to be ended in 2009. Blame him. He makes the decisions. 

All that we know now makes sense and gives us answers to all the highs and mostly lows the last 11 years.

I truly do hope she continues the hiatus as long as she can before being thrown back into it. 

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Spears, who checked out of Promises Malibu Treatment Center in March after a month-long stay, told Page Six via her rep: “I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It’s sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman’s love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now.”


April 20, 2007 

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4 hours ago, Dirk said:


just a reflection, I'm actually out of everything Britney related bc it's toxic and sad, I just can't be here every day with this negative vibe, the fake illusion that she will be free and that she's fighting behind the scenes, we don't even know if she actually wants to get out by now or that she's used to everything... 

this free Britney campaign, actually her team who is the worst of all pop stars in this world, the one who's NOT transparent, who lies to us and buy the media... this free Britney destroyed everything her team worked in the past 10 years.

her image of someone happy, in control of her life, with her kids, back in her A+ with her career... when in reality she lives in a controlled environment, she's lonely, living in a bubble and everything is fake, even her boyfriend is looking fake and pathetic at this point, people writing her music, producing her show, giving everything to her and Britney just there to be the face of a bunch of people's work. she's not an artist anymore, even kim kardashian comes off more natural and with personality than britney. 

her team will really work hard for the marketing of her next release and tbh it will be very sad, if she still involved with them and c-ship, actually could you guys believe she's aligned with her team? she's actually agreeing to be the actress of this whole circus... she's actually cooperating with all those fake out&about photoshoots we're getting, she is not being transparent... she f**kin' hate us and she's using the media/paparazzi to fool us/the world, she is probably having fun trying to fool us walking with cellphone, faking that she's driving and everything is super fiiiine, bc they want to move on and give us something to buy really soon. 

she goes back and forth, she wants to get out, she's tired of her team, but when everything is chaos, she goes back to the comfort they provide her, the bubble, the fake feeling she's protected with them, that they are a team working with the media and giving us the image they want us to believe. 

I'm ranting but that's it, is anyone who actually is looking at everything like this? sad times to be a britney fan, I actually wanted to believe the post she did on January 3 that her dad is ill and that she is going on a hiatus to focus on her family...I wanted to just go back to believe in that just like the rest of the world, my friends and everyone who's not familiar like us fans, the ones that likes her, likes toxic and believe on things that are there on her Instagram and that's it.

I really dont care about her making new music right now,or who is buying it or not.
I always considered her a rebellious one not submissive type.If she is losing that rebel zing in her,there got to be some reason for it.May be she is doing it intentionally. She has some plan or something in her mind. Bc I dont consider her mentally unstable...Mental stress is not mentally unstable.

I just really hope she gather all strength and will ,to fight this all out.and find some right people along the way.
This thing, #freebritney, may seems like a drop in the ocean ,but I think right and powerful people are finally taking notice of the situation .

You said "her image is destroyed "...Then let it be,Bc after an image is destroyed,the next step in public life is to discuss why was it destroyed in the first place,...some overenthusiastic fans or some shoddy management are to be blamed for this?
I dont think anyone is this world  will consider any fanbase so powerful  and capable  to destroy or tarnish a brand image!
It is a difficult time,but I am not sad,I am hopeful.Thats what I would like to say to army here,
Have faith and be hopeful.

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