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Forget King Alex. There's a new potential stalker on POM tour!

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4 minutes ago, Fenixxx123 said:

Envy :endit:

Some take it too far tho

2 minutes ago, Garrett said:

Cause we broke, jk. You do what you want with your money as long as it makes you happy, as much as I love Britney the artist I would never    spend a couple grand to meet someone for ten seconds, however, if thats how you want to spend your money do it:dontlike:

That's completely understandable! But going from that to calling someone names, insulting their looks, starting rumors on how they got their money... idk I just wanna understand 

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There is one person in particular that i can think of that gets hate and tbh even though i dont vocalize it, I dislike the dude too. It comes off stalkerish and he acts like they are his friends but its like, they want your money and could care less about you. And he's rather obnoxious about it. So that's one instance, as far as others, they're usually more humble and share great stories about their encounters.

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16 minutes ago, Born2Die said:

There is one person in particular that i can think of that gets hate and tbh even though i dont vocalize it, I dislike the dude too. It comes off stalkerish and he acts like they are his friends but its like, they want your money and could care less about you. And he's rather obnoxious about it. So that's one instance, as far as others, they're usually more humble and share great stories about their encounters.


I see what you're saying. I'd never even think Britney is my friend or anything though. It's a show and an experience you're paying for. It's all part of it. She might recognize who you are if you've been multiple times. However, going from that to saying you know her or that she's your friend is different. 

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51 minutes ago, Kingnacio said:

Serious question. I see a lot of hate towards fans that pay for more than 2-3 M&Gs.


2-3 is not enough to gain followers :brityawning:
when people appear more frequently they sort of slowly becoming part of the show, some of them are like good wig, some are like bad one and it can alarm wig-snatchers. :yaknow:

Hope U know all now. :endit: btw hate is strong word for those ***** and stuff.

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Are you actually that hot guy? or just impersonator? 

To answer your question, because it's weird ya'll pay x10 to see POM x10. If it were Primeney I would understand, but personally don't understand why anyone would wanna watch POM x10.

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33 minutes ago, Kingnacio said:


I see what you're saying. I'd never even think Britney is my friend or anything though. It's a show and an experience you're paying for. It's all part of it. She might recognize who you are if you've been multiple times. However, going from that to saying you know her or that she's your friend is different. 

Have you been to any of the POM tour shows?

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12 hours ago, puppylo16 said:

There’s only one guy and he’s Alex. Major turn off cuz it’s not like he’s a genuine fan, he just likes being around famous people and thinking he’s best friends with them so that’s why I hate him. He even dissed Britney so yeah. 

I get that his attitude is annoying and he's deluded in the way he acts like he's BFFs with all the celebs, but Alex is a real fan and has been around since the beginning. And most people here have dissed Britney.

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16 hours ago, Kingnacio said:


I see what you're saying. I'd never even think Britney is my friend or anything though. It's a show and an experience you're paying for. It's all part of it. She might recognize who you are if you've been multiple times. However, going from that to saying you know her or that she's your friend is different. 

I love all your M&G photos!! They all look so good. Do you have any tips?

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