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Britney: Piece Of Me Ending Party and A Happy New Year 2018 (Official Thread)


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I think it’s going to appeal to (a good portion of) the GP (for the reasons listed above... the public is familiar with and likes these songs, and will be excited to see Britney looking happy and blonde and pretty) - and reiterate to the remainder of the GP that she’s just a nostalgia artist now. I’ve yet to meet anyone who isn’t a Britney Stan that knows she had a new album (let alone 2 singles) last year. I myself (as a fan) am bored - but only because I’ve seen both performances a handful of times. I wish she had something new and exciting to promote - or that the performance was legendary “Britney”. Instead it’s going to be “just fine” and be a peformance that nobody talks about around the water cooler on January 2nd. Whereas primetime TV/award show Britney used to ALWAYS be  after cooler worthy. All good though... we know to expect little to nothing of her now.

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2 hours ago, zone said:

2 songs everyone knows, loved and maybe get bored, so whats the point? For me as a fan is cool to see my favourite on tv but for the gp i think its pointless unless she had to perform something new and interesting since 35m people are watching.

Im excited tho coz according to the ig videos ive seen shedid really good

Could u post the ig links? thanks :D

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I think I've only watched the NYE performances a couple of times, I think it is just to have fun.

I don't think the NYE is the kind of event where artists go to promote new stuff, or to cause controversy like the VMA's or other awards shows, or to show talent, it's more of a party where they grab a bunch of current artists to perform their well known hits, and some more important names, in this case Britney, which wouldn't matter if she's performing Oops or TTWE or Toxic, but it's just to have fun. I also don't think it's something like the Super Bowl where the artist can take advantage of the viral-ness and exposure of the performance to announce a new tour or an album. It's the New Year, people is just getting drunk at their homes or some other place, they won't go to their phones or computers to watch again the performances, except for us Exhalers which is the only televised thing we got this whole year from Brit.

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I think it's good she's at least going to be ending the year with some type of televised performance, better that than nothing. But once again her team has her doing everything but being strategic. She probably won't release anything new afterwards, it'll quickly be forgotten because these songs aren't new and it's not like the choreography is super intense that ppl will be talking the next day and it'll probably be general crickets until her piece of me show dates start up. Once again solidifying that she's a nostalgic act. The same vibe Mariah gives off. But it is what it is. And then watch she won't even be at music's biggest night later next month debuting any new music. It's like they pull random events out of their butts just to be like oh hey Britney Spears remember her? You do? Okay back into her hole she goes lol

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I'm glad by the choice of these two songs. As said they both have a prop which are putting the performance on another level compared to Make Me for instance.

TREE could have been cool also even though I'm not a big big fan of the song but the choreography if we can call it like that is meh.

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