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so Britney wants to be successful again huh?


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Dear Larry and Britney 

 You will have to promote like crazy ala fourth harmony and guayaba cabello ... like everywhere ... E V E R Y W H E R E ... even in malls lol:triggered:

don't expect a hit ala womanizer :triggered: Britney is not the start that she used to be ... so if we want a top 10 ... Britney will have to be everywhere next era ... so 




good luck :tiffcackle:










no chance :madance:

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1 hour ago, Pedro Dantas said:

Malls? We're not that desperate. :mj:

Imagine her performing in a mall. "And before we introduce Britney, let me tell you that Walmart has a special discount on toilet paper! And remember to take part in our contest to win this beautiful car. You want a Ford Fiesta, you better win, *****!".


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I agree with the comments on this post. It's no so much about everywhere as much about her image. She needs to appear cohesive, serious and interested. She needs to promote properly and plug her singles. In the last era, her appearances never plugged the album in properly, it used to appear as if she's performing a random one off song. She needs TV Slot appearances, A PROPER ONLINE campaign is the main one. Active twitter (where she is answering her fans) Tease! and NOT CANCEL music Videos! She needs Quality over Quantity. Yes that includes Award shows (ALL OF THEM) appearing on them, presenting awards to other artists (KNOWING THOSE ARTISTS NAMES). People NEED to know she has songs about, the MAIN THING IS RADIO! RCA needs to BUMP THE RADIO! She had ABSOLUTELY NO RADIO SUPPORT!!! If she can crack Radio, people will know about her album and songs

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She needs a provocative video. Let the director do his/her job tbh. Zillions of promo will not work if she keeps releasing subpar MV like Make Me Cringe or Borefume. It's a big slap on her legacy.:tiffcackle:

But honestly, I think she burnt her last bridge for career revival with Glory. The damage made on her own career is too severe at this point.:tiffsniffle:

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48 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

But Fifth Harmony is flopping right now. Their album sold like 40k copies. So the idea of being "everywhere" doesn't always help, especially if ppl have stopped caring. She needs to be strategic and do a rebrand. 

Their music was very mediocre minus two songs. 

I also like them so I'm being honest. Like nothing really catchy happened on that album. I love Angel and Lonely night but eh 

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Good visuals + some buzz online + a couple KILLER performances would be great I think (like the BBMAs but now she won't be promoting Vegas). And some interviews but like real interviews, not what's your favourite colour/do you play Pokemon Go kind of interviews. Something well organised, serious, and that's longer than a minute. :mattafact:

Of course this won't work if they scrap music videos, censor interviews, post google images only on her social media, etc. It's going to be HARD. :lemmetellu:

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