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sam wants britney's money & fame

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19 minutes ago, Iexpectyouto said:

I mean Britney  has done and said things in the past that make her look bad too. So we can't really judge him on stuff he did a while ago. But like everyone's said, none of our business 

It’s stuff he said 2 years ago. Pretty recent

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3 hours ago, $elfish said:

Well britney was way more famous than him he could have thought she would boost him 

she did:gross:

Were you following them back then? Not being mean or shady at all, just wondering. I don't remember it being that way. Most of his fans were wondering why he was even with her. If anything them being together had the potential to hurt both their careers because his NSYNC fans hated her and label wanted her to be single. That's why they kept having to lie about when they really started dating. I don't get how him dating a girl he knew and dated when he was a kid meant he was fame hungry. Nsync was known for a good year before Britney was "Britney Spears" 

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37 minutes ago, Kangin said:

Where is that sam's a **** thread ? I should dig up and find what the exhalers said about sam , especially the ones in this thread :staysalty:


And this is my first post with Kangin sig and name , I'm so proud :sobbing: I , Kangin , blessing this thread with my very post :flawlessbye:


siwon's gone forever

Love him:yesplease:

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Guest $elfish
18 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

Were you following them back then? Not being mean or shady at all, just wondering. I don't remember it being that way. Most of his fans were wondering why he was even with her. If anything them being together had the potential to hurt both their careers because his NSYNC fans hated her and label wanted her to be single. That's why they kept having to lie about when they really started dating. I don't get how him dating a girl he knew and dated when he was a kid meant he was fame hungry. Nsync was known for a good year before Britney was "Britney Spears" 

i wasn't even born when they were dating:moorangu:

i didn't know the NSYNC fans hated her tho:omg:

thanks for the info 

next time i'll double check :britstare:

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3 hours ago, BoyToySoldier said:


Can we stop with this fake news? Body shaming isn't cute.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss !!!!!! Girl i be sayin this all the time. The people on here that call Sam ugly or that say he has chicken legs etc are straight up haters. THis man has an AMAZING body from top to bottom and he is VERY attractive. anyone throwing shade his way is honestly a hater. NObody in here knows this guys but they want to speculate and assume things cause of things his ex said ? Britney isn't a saint either. Our girl has said plenty of questionable and ****** up things in her career ( like when she told that parrazzo to go lose weight and then called him a fat **** ) as well. Nobody in here knows him and needs to lay off the hate. He is making our girl happy. I'm sorry but i haven't seen our girl this happy with a man since K-Fed and her fitness game has been on 100 since she got with Sam ( yes she worked out before Sam but ever since she got with him she has def stepped up her game ). Y'all should just be happy that our girl has a man that makes her happy.

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42 minutes ago, $elfish said:

i wasn't even born when they were dating:moorangu:

i didn't know the NSYNC fans hated her tho:omg:

thanks for the info 

next time i'll double check :britstare:

It wasn't the *NSYNC fans, just the JT fans. It's the same with Bieber and Selena Gomez. She opened for them when they toured and they would boo at her and told her to get off stage. I think she even mention it once in an interview. 

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43 minutes ago, $elfish said:

i wasn't even born when they were dating:moorangu:

i didn't know the NSYNC fans hated her tho:omg:

thanks for the info 

next time i'll double check :britstare:

Yeah...His NSYNC fans would constantly boo at any mention of her. Like every chance he mentioned her in interviews or said he loved her or anything. It was bad. She got a lot of hate for dating him but he always stood up for her then. I think he really cared for her and whatever happened in their relationship just made things go sour. I def wouldn't compare him to any other boyfriend. 

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27 minutes ago, cheri said:

yeah britney opened for nsync in '98. nsync was the main act at their rock in rio date in 2001, britney wasn't. nsync opened for janet. justin was the one to come up with the groups name after all.

no strings attached f/w sales: 2.4 million

oops i did it again f/w sales: 1.3 million

if justin soared to fame solely because of britney then how come kevin federline failed? and why was justin popular before britney even debuted? :tiffcackle: how come justin is outselling britney's numbers by lightyears in the present even with britney doing tons of **** like performing at the vmas (and featuring on the main commercial for it and having her face plastered all over MSG) only to no avail?


circus f/w sales (2008, comeback hype): 505k. metallica, a band that's been around since the 80s, sold this much in 4 days for death magnetic in 2008. even ac/dc and kid rock :tiffcackle:

femme fatale (2011) f/w sales: 276k

britney jean (2013) f/w sales: 107k


justin in 2013 during a climate where it isn't as easy to sell:

20/20 (2013) f/w sales: 968k


but yes, it's all thanks to britney :tiffcackle: she can't even sell her own albums anymore, the **** do these ppl think she helps justin sell his?

justin is talented and would have had his solo breakthrough even without Cry me a river. i mean u could credit Britney for accelerating things with the Cry me a River controversy but even if Justified era wasn't successful, Futuresex/love sounds would have been it. it was just a matter of time.

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1 minute ago, button said:

justin is talented and would have had his solo breakthrough even without Cry me a river. i mean u could credit Britney for accelerating things with the Cry me a River controversy but even if Justified era wasn't successful, Futuresex/love sounds would have been it. it was just a matter of time.

And even the theory that he became a hit as a solo act because of CMAR is flawed. His album debuted and sold great before CMAR was even a single or had a video 

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45 minutes ago, Jay Holiday said:

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss !!!!!! Girl i be sayin this all the time. The people on here that call Sam ugly or that say he has chicken legs etc are straight up haters. THis man has an AMAZING body from top to bottom and he is VERY attractive. anyone throwing shade his way is honestly a hater. 


so we can't say our opinions about somebody and you're saying that makes us haters  ? 

that's really odd :girlwhat:

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5 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

And even the theory that he became a hit as a solo act because of CMAR is flawed. His album debuted and sold great before CMAR was even a single or had a video 

He sold well first week true but Cry me a river is a hit that drove a lot of album sales. The 400k first week is just a chunk of the 3.8M total.

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18 minutes ago, danny1994 said:

Interesting you’re saying body shaming isn’t cute. Yesterday when we told you about sam’s comments about overweight people you didn’t seem to have a problem with it :whitney:

Not to mention you didn’t have a problem when he called homeless people lazy :whitney:


When did I say I didn't have a problem with it sweetie? We were talking about a homeless person that bullied him at a stoplight. He then liked that awful comment about running the guy over which made both him and the bum, shitty people.

Show me where I said it was ok to make fun of an overweight person. Take your reaching elsewhere, how SAD. :tiffcackle:

You can't defend Britney for being body shamed and then turn the other cheek and be ok with doing it to another person you hypocrite. :gloss:

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5 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

When did I say I didn't have a problem with it sweetie? We were talking about a homeless person that bullied him at a stoplight. He then liked that awful comment about running the guy over which made both him and the bum, shitty people.

Show me where I said it was ok to make fun of an overweight person. Take your reaching elsewhere, how SAD. :tiffcackle:

You can't defend Britney for being body shamed and then turn the other cheek and be ok with doing it to another person you hypocrite. :gloss:

You never said you didn’t have a problem with it, but when we showed you the receipts you were still defending him. You criticized him for liking a comment, but you said we were reaching about him calling “all homeless people lazy”

Let’s be real, that’s probably his attitude about all homeless people. He knew nothing about that homeless couple and made an assumption. That tells me when he sees homeless people the first though in his head is “they’re lazy”

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11 minutes ago, button said:

He sold well first week true but Cry me a river is a hit that drove a lot of album sales. The 400k first week is just a chunk of the 3.8M total.

Well yeah I'm not saying it didn't help sales but the idea that fans here have that he would have been a flop nobody doesn't make much sense. If so, how did FSLS sell or 20/20 sell? He was always going to be this famous like you said 

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