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First of all this is not fake, it's not click bait, it's not trolling, I didn't go to a pool party, THIS SHITT RIGHT HERE is SERIOUS SHITTT PUTANAS 


So I plug in my headphones in my phone and I started watching Selena Gomez new vid... again and I noticed the audio was odd. So I think I plug in my headphones kinda wrong and ***** I heard, EVERYTHING. All the Secret vocals, The few instruments, ***** not singing with  autotune and hearing the filters that they put on her vocals. I remember this happened to me when I was hearing Blackout, I let it play like two songs and I unplugged it and put it back in, and it when back to normal. So I thought why not listen to these two albums cause one the GP are saying it's Myah, and the other no one could get filters, secret vocals on, and etc. Until now :shameless: I'm giving you Putanas The world exclusive review right here. It's gonna be WW and on E! News y'all, I got the dirt and yea honey, it's gonna be good, if you wanna see yourself, kinda plug in your headphones wrong, but not too wrong to the point you break it ok baby ;) and I'm not being shady or anything like that ok baby :kiss: 


Britney Jean Review (or should I call it "Myah Jean Review)

1. Alien - I kinda wish alien Britney sung this song, I never heard so many filters in a Britney song ever :bthink:, well second filter Britney song, the first one is gonna shock you :bigtime: Britney vocals were so filtered and Myah came in and sung most of the song with Britney, you can hear Brit in "Not alone" part put they put her so low, and... I didn't hear the glitch :boredashell: 

2. Work ***** - :crying11: Remember when YouTuber Zachary Campbell was doing a mic feed of Britney at the BBMA and said that it sound like 4 people was singing the song.... yea I think he wasn't lying :bthink: it's Britney, Autotune, and Myah are having a vocal war to see, which one is gonna be main vocal, singing the song. The beat was cute thou :cutebrit: 

3. Perfume - One of the songs on the album that actually does the album justice. She is full on singing it. No Myah, but Sia was there at the parts where she was, and you hear her clear :mhm: 

4. It Should Be Easy (feat. will.i.am) - This song actually surprised me. You hear Britney's vocals clear and it's like less autotune that it's supposed to be in the song, and it was mostly  A cappella, and no Myah.You pass *****, you pass. But will.i.am you clearly ****** up on this album, as you can tell, like if you do something like Femme Fatale and/or S&S it's ok but this **** album. No :nobitch: 

5. Tik Tik Boom (feat. T.I.) - You can't hear that much of Britney and you hear Myah trying to take over again :sofedup: T.I. was just being T.I.

6. Body Ache - The song title is right, my body did indeed ache after hearing this (in a bad way) So you know that this song, Britney is giving a shoutout to us right, well it's not her, it actually might be Myah giving us a shoutout to us not Britney. :meltdown: All Myah singing it, less or no Britney

7. Til It's Gone - Its like a mix between Britney and Myah singing with filters 

8. Passenger - :crying1: They lied to us. It's like an autotune Myah singing it and Sia is like you're not Britney, DaFuck. I don't want Myah as my passenger, I wanted you, if Myah was my passenger, I would've duck and tuck, and let the ***** get crash. I'm disappointed 

9. Chillin' With You (feat. Jamie Lynn) - @BrittonJeanSpears Sis you gonna change your review about this song once you find out about this :ohi: . Turns out, Britney might not be the one drinking and getting drunk with her sis. It's actually Myah :omg:, Brit just shows up to the mini party, sang the first words in the song before the first verse kicks in, sings the "Everyday, everyday, everyday, chillin' with you" doesn't get drunk or drink and then leaves to two girls getting drunk :byebitch: 

10. Don't Cry - Another song that is golden to the album, Britney sings it, with a little bit of help from Myah, but the singing is "off" cause it's like off key, everything is fine but, it's off key, but I think it's like that cause of production so they can put it on beat or something like that.

11. Brightest Morning Star - :crying1: The most autotune, filtered Britney song ever :crying4: shocking right. How can you send a song to Jesus, that is so autotune and have Myah and the crowd sing with you, I mean the crowd is cute keep them, but throw Myah in the trash baby.

12. Hold On Tite... :uknowit: jk Hold On Tight- Another golden one, you hear breathy vocals, and not that much Myah, thank god, oh and the beat was also cute too :madance: 

13. Now That I Found You - It was confusing, and it's like doing a repeat on the words, and not that much of Myah but she's there alright, in a barnyard or something :uknowit: and lot of Country in it

14. Perfume (The Dreaming Mix) - It was dreamy. That's it :boredashell: 

Overall review: Thank God Britney pretends this album doesn't exist, RCA and will.i.am was gonna kill her career, and queen knew something what's up.

Now the moment you all waited for..... Glory. Good thing it's called Glory, cause it's glorious :flawless: 

Glory Review

1. Invitation - :) vocals on point, it's very breathy, a little bit of filters, it's just beautiful.

2. Make Me... (feat. G-Eazy) -  Harmony on point, omg the hidden harmonies got and the  falsettos :werk: and G-Eazy was being G-Eazy but in a good way and again, little bit of filters

3. Private Show - Putanas get ready to have your weaves be snatched :ohi:. You know how you guys are like, I hate her vocals they so pitched and they did **** to it, well get ready ***** cause it's actually her vocals. :omg: The only thing they did was put her vocals from GarageBand on Small Room, those vocals are real, untouched, not pitched, all her's. And Britishney comes back too, hardcore when she's saying "Work it, work it, boy watch me work it, slide down my pole, watch me spin it and twerk it" and you hear pol instead of pole at some parts too. It's so good and funny too but you hear the most on the first time she say it. If you hear this version of Private Show, the people who hate, are gonna love it.  Guaranteed :mhm: 

4. Man On The Moon - it's so good ***** :crying1: and you hear her take a deep breath the second it starts. It's amazing 

5. Just Luv Me - Very good, very breathy vocals, and those high notes, gurl 

6. Clumsy - OMG. I never heard so many hidden  falsettos notes in a song and she hit them perfectly, so good and you need to hear it.

7. Do You Wanna Come Over? - had filters to it, and at some point none. And the last "Whatever you want, whatever you need I'll do it" right after the "Just come over" part, she screams it out and it's epic

8. Slumber Party (feat. Tinashe) - It had like little filters to it, it was amazing, the beat was like a  salsa pop track with most of the beats not there

9. Just Like Me - Again, Queen came through with them falsetto notes, and a bit of filters

10. Love Me Down - GIRL. She sings with a bit of filters but, Julia Michaels is singing with her too..... :omg: I didn't know this, it's  either her or some ***** that sings like her, but she is just doing the simple "talk to much" "with your touch" etc. and some "love me down" parts

11. Hard To Forget Ya - Some filters there and some notes that she hit that im like yasssss ***** hidden there but it was like two

12. What You Need - Just like Private Show, yes ***** get shocked again :omg: Amazing and maybe needs to work with this producer on her next album, cause he don't play when it comes to vocals *****. 

13. Better - Those hidden vocals got me like :TOMH: 

14. Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortes) - Its like the "Almost Acapelle version" but with some filters and a bit more clean at some part and those hidden vocals 

15. Liar - OMG :crying1: Her best vocal song in.... idk how long :crying4: so many hidden vocals *****, omg, I almost cried, so good, you need to hear it. NEEED TO. It's a masterpiece 

16. If I'm Dancing - OMG get ready to be SLAYED and ****** HARDCORE, I replayed the first 20 or 30 seconds like 5-7 times. I cannot put it to words. I can't write a review about cause it slays that much, it's like hearing it for the first time again, but times 20. You need to ******* hear the whole song. It's a Masterpiece :crying1::crying4::crying2: 

17. Coupure Électrique - It's  strange cause you can kinda hear her French a bit better, idk how that's possible but it is what it is and the beat was cute with little bit of filter


Overall Review: The people who worked on her vocals on this album needs to come back for her next one asap :mhm: cause I wanna get bald 200% again

So that's that. Again I'm not making this up, you can tried if you want to, I would never lie to Exhale, and I'm not being Shady, maybe a little bit funny, but I love our Queen. So let me know what you think and if you tried it too :flawless: 

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2 minutes ago, BritneyJeanSpearsOfficial said:

I think they found a loophole cause Britney did Sing a few songs and a few more with both of them mixed and the rest mostly her so....... yea get ready for lawsuits ******* :crying1: 

I wonder why she released a full album, where she can just released an EP with Perfume and other songs she is a main vocal in.

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It happened to me as well a couple of years ago. My headphones were not working properly so I could hear all this stuff. I remember that most of the backing vocals for old songs were sung by guys, while all the new ones are sung by girls and I think that's why her voice does not sound the same as it used to.


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11 minutes ago, toy soldier. said:

It happened to me as well a couple of years ago. My headphones were not working properly so I could hear all this stuff. I remember that most of the backing vocals for old songs were sung by guys, while all the new ones are sung by girls and I think that's why her voice does not sound the same as it used to.


Yeeeessss!!! It happened to me too when I was listening to Cinderella this week (for some reason I've had the song on replay for the past two weeks.... such a bop:bop:...) and I noticed that a guy sang backup in the chorus!

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6 minutes ago, Jba1213 said:

Yeeeessss!!! It happened to me too when I was listening to Cinderella this week (for some reason I've had the song on replay for the past two weeks.... such a bop:bop:...) and I noticed that a guy sang backup in the chorus!

Update: I just tried listen to it again to see if I could hear the guy but I literally heard nothing!!! Wtf

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Guest Diamond Horse
1 hour ago, gerol said:

I wonder why she released a full album, where she can just released an EP with Perfume and other songs she is a main vocal in.

Greed from the team

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I hope you guys aren't believing this right? As someone who is very well versed in computing, this is horse ****!

Stems do not exist within a song. I mean they do exist, but not separately and they can't be filtered out. You are not able to hear specific sounds and block out others as all songs are complete pieces of audio. When songs are mastered and released, they aren't released as stems. They are released as a one piece audio track which CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be separated. This is fact.

You probably had your headphones twisted the wrong way in the jack plug, wire bent weirdly which caused a loose connection and made the sound echoey. This may accentuate certain frequencies but DOES NOT mean that what you're hearing is what was happening in the studio. It is mere electrical errors and static interference between all of the wires in your headphone cable. 


Please don't believe this guys they've made this thread to try and create some news and make themselves feel important when it really isn't working 

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