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18 minutes ago, falka said:

Too long? :plzexplain: And who are "They"?

"Too long"... they must've put mic on in case she said anything and didn't shut it down

"they" ...the sound engineers!

I'd kill to hear her sing breathe on me live even though that tiny part wasn't the most in tune I've ever heard anyone!!

theres a few more bits on this YouTube page that sound like her mic is louder than her playback for once...

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1 hour ago, mrjt1986 said:

I'm sure they left her mic on too long the beginning of Breathe on Me!


This is actually the thing: she usually has the mic on and sings/ talks to the backing track like so many artists does. A lot of people think she only lip syncs because she sounds so alike to a lot of the tracks, and I'm not saying she sings 50% off the shows but she does sing parts or actual songs at points. Just watch any clip of her singing acapella or even the Carpol Karoke vid, her own voice while singing proves that her voice is so alike to the records even though they mix a lot.

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