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Pick 1 Small Change To Make POM Tour Better

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Just now, Godney's Sweet *** said:


Of all the options, you chose that one :mhm:

Isn't she more comfortable dancing in jeans? I mean, there is no point to wear this bodysuits all the time.

It really is so useless like dancing in high heels, what's the point? We all know that she is **** and other things.

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Just sing three songs live dispersed throughout the show-Everytime, Lucky and Perfume.  Those are the most perfect songs to sing live, especially Lucky. (And I don't think she has to sing it in that "baby" voice either)

In my opinion that would make a big difference because most pre-record her vocals anyways and doing that for the dance-oriented songs would hardly be cause for much criticism.  

I think now that she's known totally for lip-synching, if she sung those three live it would only help her brand.

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