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Is Britney THAT disconnected?


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Like, no hate or anything but she hasnt said anything about the Manchester attack. Once again no hate. but it makes her seem disconnected.



I cant at people actuallt ******* disliking this lmao, like I already said no hate she can do whatever the **** she wants to

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Why does she have to, I wouldn't either. It doesn't help and is the same story every time: you just *send prayers*, change your profile picture to the flag of the respective country and then forget about it after a week and wait for the next terror act. Maybe I'm just desentisized after SO MANY terror attack already it's getting ridiculous, but I find it pointless and redundant. :sassybrit:

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1 minute ago, cheri said:

statements from a celebrity in hollywood mean jack ****. wtf would it even do? take action by donating blood and raising organ donation awareness & donate money/clothes/shelter/food to those in need

Mmm... something coming out of your mouth that I can actually agree with, what do you know! :rihclap:

2 minutes ago, Nick Jonas said:

I'm sure she'll put something on Instagram tonight. :verycool:

Yeah, like a Googled Britain flag... :weirdmeout:

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she did something on her social media for paris i'm pretty sure. but i agree with what was said above that it is by no means mandatory for celebs to make statements over every single tragic event....like we know its terrible....do we need all the celebs on earth to confirm that? yeesh!

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36 minutes ago, Losio said:

Like, no hate or anything but she hasnt said anything about the Manchester attack. Once again no hate. but it makes her seem disconnected.



She regularly is involved in charity work, shut up.

12 minutes ago, cheri said:

i dont need validation for anything i say


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It's nice for a celebrity to say something but it doesn't change anything.It doesn't help anybody.She may say something tonight or later because she always waits and it's probably for the respect.

She always works with hospitals and tries to help people,espeically kids.I wouldn't think that she's disconnected.

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Is her tweeting prayers going to bring those people back to life?  As if those in mourning care about a random celebrities tweet. She doesn't really have to tweet anything, instead of making useless threads, as another user said, use the time to donate and contribute to those people that need it

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