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Questions for older fans and newest fans

Million Billion

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I have always wondered these questions, for those newer fans that became stans after her breakdown around Circus, FF, BJ or Glory era:


- what is it for you to be a fan a someone whose career peak was so long ago? 

- how do you feel that you missed most of her gold days?

- do you guys feel that you have a different perspective of her (or the things she does) than older fans?

- have you told other people you became a Britney Spears's fan and what do they tell you?


I MEAN, THOSE ARE SOME OF THE MANY QUESTIONS I HAVE IN MIND, but in general how do you feel being a new (recent) Britney Spears fan? I have been a fen since 1999 and I'd really appreciate to see/read other people's opinions, it is always so refreshing to hear others. Older fans, feel free to comment as well. :brityes:







it would be funny to know if someone became a fan during the Bingo Jackpot era tbh :lanacackle:

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I became a fan of Britney when she first came out. I was in my teens. It was ******* awesome. It was actually cool to like Britney, back then. She had thee hottest performances out of all the teen pop craze of 99-00. Luckily, I was able to go to all of her shows(except for dream within a dream) Seeing her then was memorizing. 

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I became a fan in September 2013 thanks to Gimme More on GTA5. I started watching all her songs and performances and I felt like she is the best. I swear I became stan straight after.

She is an idol, so it's fine to me if she peaked when I wasn't fan (I'm 20 though). I missed most of her gold days but they are her achievement and I'm happy about that. I feel like I've always supported her so I feel I'm the same as older fans. 

I made other people became fans :queenriri: and people sees her as a legend, her name is important.

so I became fan right before Brenda Joanna :unbelievableney:

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1 hour ago, Wiggle said:

I became a fan in August 2013 :plzexplain: I wish I was britney-ducated earlier so I could have lived the gold days


Luckly we have youtube these days so you can educate yourself :brityes:


1 hour ago, danny1994 said:

I became a fan in 2015, but I feel like I still hold her to the same standards as older fans. It would be cool if I was a fan during her prime, but I would've had to live with the disappointment of the years that followed.

You are so right, at least you avoid those horrible days when we didnt even know if she was gonna make it. :crying1: Good point! 

1 hour ago, danny1994 said:

I became a fan in 2015, but I feel like I still hold her to the same standards as older fans. It would be cool if I was a fan during her prime, but I would've had to live with the disappointment of the years that followed.

That's the attitude! :yeahhh: it's good to hear that 


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Guest $elfish
1 hour ago, Million Billion said:

- how do you feel that you missed most of her gold days?

- do you guys feel that you have a different perspective of her (or the things she does) than older fans?

- have you told other people you became a Britney Spears's fan and what do they tell you?

-depressed because I wasn't a Stan earlier 


-yes I have made it clear for every person in my life that I am addicted to ms Spears 


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I've always wondered the same. To this day I still can't understand the people that became fans during Blackout or so, I'm like, why? :plzexplain: And in recent years would be even crazier.

  I sometimes get the impression that these "newer" fans are the ones that look back to the earliest songs, the classics, and think they're outdated, cheesy, generic and so many other adjectives they use in a negative way. But I guess not all of them think the same, and each one has their own story. Everybody likes a different part of Britney's career, whether they were fans since the beginning or later.


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I became a stan in 2007, when she shaved her head. I only had her prime performances to see so I loved her quickly. I don't remember anybody talking bad about her around that time tho, maybe because they knew I was a fan?:plzexplain:I don't know. But I really regret not being a stan during her prime.:crying1:

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- what is it for you to be a fan a someone whose career peak was so long ago?  sad.

- how do you feel that you missed most of her gold days? gladly I didnt

- do you guys feel that you have a different perspective of her (or the things she does) than older fans? i am an older fan

- have you told other people you became a Britney Spears's fan and what do they tell you? I used to but I stopped after 2009

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I became a stan around the ff x factor era. I was already a fan without even knowing that the music that i heard when i was growing up was her. Then i started looking her up and seeing her perform was just amazing! I dont think i expect less than older fans because we have video proof of what she can do so i dont even understand why they think that her dancing nowadays is good 

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It is kinda sad to be honest when you think about it. I became a fan in 2011 (I was 11, and that was like the peak), I started searching all her songs and quickly became addicted, but I wasnt really connected, I didnt follow her on social media, I didnt know when she'd release a song/album, it was a thing of always watching videos of her on youtube, oh and I interacted more with facebook fan pages, I 'liked' all of them and would share everything about her (just like the cool moms nowadays), I remember seeing work ***** and thinking that it was some remix or something, I knew it cause I saw it on facebook, one of her pan pages posted it, although i became a huuuge fan in early 2014, that's when I started noticing her sales, and records and that's when I started buying her records. Back to the point, it makes me really sad to think of the success she had and doesn't have nowadays (because... she doesnt want to), like I would give EVERYTHING to see her have a successful era, in fact successful eras are what bring more fans which make the artist get more money, she's literally being so dumb but anyways, I became a fan during 2011 because her hits were everywhere. It's just that we do not know the feeling of experiencing a successful era, do you know what i mean? We just imagine cause her numbers were big. Oh god any Britney fan since 1999 must have some damages in the brain... i mean you once experienced Britney ruling the world and now you're experiencing a woman who had everything to become the most influential person of all time sink her career... 

PS: yall hoes complaining that you only got to experience the Circus Era onwards, you should thank god, that was an era and that was a tour (Onyx Hotel wishes), a #1 and a #3, one with god worldwide promo and the other one enjoyed the hype of his sister, a debut over 500,000, don't be ungrateful, the only eras i properly experienced were the BJ era (a little bit) and Britneys lowest selling album ever Glory's Era.


pm me if you wanna talk about it, i also have many questions for older fans, specially about 2007.

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This is a good thread. 

Im happy I lived through primeney. I never would have thought she would become what she is today.

Just watch DWAD it's mind baffling...to now

I never thought someone could change so much. I remember everyone knew her as the dancing queen coming to slay lives. 



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I was always a big fan of hers, ever since Oops was my first CD after I saw the video at a friend's house. I begged my mom to buy me Oops and Baby on the same day. :orangu:

After that, I didn't really pay attention to things (I was a little kid) until Britney was out and the DWAD show was my first concert. I remember I was so obsessed with her Pepsi commercial, I had a tape that I recorded from the TV.

During In the Zone was when I started follow her a little bit more, go on her website and stuff. I remember being dissapointed watching the 2004 VMAs hoping she would perform after I saw an ad on TRL and she didn't. My dad got me the ABC DVD around that time and he also took me to the Onyx Hotel.

During 2005-06 there wasn't really anything I remember other than hearing about her getting married. I got the Greatest Hits CD late, I didn't know it was out until I saw it at Best Buy.

By the time Blackout came out, I was pretty oblivious to everything going on around her. I kept wondering why people were saying such rude and nasty things about her. I thought she was just having a bad day or something (I was around 12). I remember my mom telling me that she performed at the VMAs and the media was calling her fat. I still got Blackout on my birthday later that year after I started to search her again. Piece of Me was my favorite song that year.

It wasn't until months later that Womanizer leaked online and I didn't believe it was her at first. Then I digged and found out she was making a comeback and I was really happy. It was then when I really dove deep and found all these pop culture blogs and forums where I started to learn about stan culture. By the time Circus came out, I was in full blown stan mode. I remember checking for the Circus Tour in computers class the day after opening night.

Since then, I've had 4 eras as a stan. Circus, FF, BJ and Glory. I'm happy I was able to see and experience her prime, but maybe if I was a little older, I would have appreciated her more.

I am happy I didn't pay attention much during 2007. It wasn't until 08-09 where I really learned about what as going on.

I'll always love her. No matter how lazy or trollish she gets. :giggleney:

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- what is it for you to be a fan a someone whose career peak was so long ago? 

That really doesn't matter to me. I am fully aware of what she's gone through and the fact that she's a mother and has different priorities in life. I admire her for still being relevant and being as healthy and happy as ever. A part of being a fan for so long (since the beginning) means you get to appreciate all the time you spent with Britney playing in your ear, or the days when you had to wait a whole night for a music video to download. It's an old flame that burns still.

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11 hours ago, danny1994 said:

I became a fan in 2015, but I feel like I still hold her to the same standards as older fans. It would be cool if I was a fan during her prime, but I would've had to live with the disappointment of the years that followed.

we were not disappointed, we were very scared at that time :otears: but thanks God everything is ok now :donewithit: Welcome to the club sweetie :hugs:


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I became a fan in 2008 just afer her hospitalization, it was because I heard Gimme More in a radio station here in Colombia while I was riding a bus and I quicky went to find it, and I found her older songs too, I instantly became obsessed, and I felt sad that I missed her peak, but when she released Circus and it was so successful I felt that there was  still so much to see and so much music that would make me happy, I know that Britney in her prime was great and I would have died all the time she would perform, but now I still do even if it's not the same, I feel so happy when she goes to an award show or when she receives praise for her music or performances, that I feel like I've been a fan since 1998, because she's so special to me.

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I've been a fan of her all my life, and grown up with her music. I was a toddler when she came out and I would tie my shirt up and dance like her when BOMT would come on TV. I think Britney's a classic among my generation and 90s kids in general, even if she isn't in her "prime" still, she was relevant and on the radio for like 15 years of my life. I don't think I care as much as the rest of exhale about charts because she's been there and done that, who cares if she's putting out good music anyways (athough **** her team for not releasing for music videos for the fans, she still has a HUGE fan base, even if she's not #1 all the time). 

I didn't miss her "gold" days but I don't think people realize that even though she used to be huge, she was subject to a LOT of media scrutiny and she seems so happy to have a more private life these days. Her gold days were when she was youthful and wanted to prove herself to the world, she's already done that, and there was a lot of **** to deal with.

And most people who are friends with me know I love Britney haha.

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