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My Meet & Greet Story


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My friend stole a little extra money from her grandma for ****** this one week, so she decided to give the extra amount to me to got to Vegas and see Britney.

I got to the tour a little late, and I was a little pissed because I didn't get to see the dressing room where Britney gets the D from Sam

But anyway, once the tour was done, we all got in line for our M&G

Some fan at the beginning of the line decided to have a heart attack right before they met her, lengthening the wait time.

Once I got up to Britney, I said "hi," and "when are you going to leak Rebellion?"

Britney laughed and retorted with "what a ******" to her security team.

"Never *****" she said, laughing as she dove her fingers into a bag of cheetos.

Pissed, I continued pressing her on the real questions.

"What about Original Doll?"

"Leak Original Doll."

"Sing for me."

Then we took the picture and I left.


My picture with Britney


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