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Britney Spears Performs With Tinashe At The Triple Ho Show In San Jose

Jordan Miller

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16 hours ago, S0ggyBiscuit said:

I don't mind missing a step or two but at least sing/prerecorded vocals w/ audience interaction to compensate. She just goes thru the motions as if the choreo isn't water down enough. :sassybrit:

You can't defend her when this is what she gives to the gp.

her dancers literally lead her where to go and like at jingle bash she was too close to micheal steins spot at one point he had to like lightly shove her more in front to her spot i don't get it

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9 hours ago, OrWasThatYourShadow said:

I'm know I'll probably get negative rep for this but..

She really can't pronounce Tinashe's name right? I mean I'm not even a huge fan of Tinashe but the girl basically worships Brit and she can't even learn how to say her name? And it's not like she's some random appearance on stage, they have a song and MV together..:ponderney:

I know people say she's really dumb and not with it etc, and although I don't agree with that, it's honestly kind of worrisome to me that she can't even get the name of someone she collaborated with right. It's either she really doesn't give a flying ****, or she's really that out of it that she legit doesn't know how to say her name correctly. I wouldn't really care that much if it was a one off, but it's happened twice now right? Jesus get your **** together.:sassybrit:

She acts like such a dumb Bimbo, no wonder the GP doesn't take her serious. 

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One more time you can see, that her attitude is the only thing that matters.. the same choregraphy with other attitude changed everything...

I hope you guys noticed that the choregraphy is not the problem... 


Tinashe is a sweetheart, that's why Britney kissed her... Tinashe sends good vibes, she is a very positive girl, with great energy and she is not fake.... ( tbh Tinashe always makes me smile, she's very humble and positive...)

Britney likes these types of persons and I'm sure she sees her like a sister and wants to give her trust in herself because she is very young... Britney is smart and she feels when a person is real and has a good heart, Tinashe is a good person with a huge respect for Britney... that's the reason why she is very close with Tinashe and makes her feel confortable  :hugs:

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