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Britney Spears Featuring Tinashe - "Slumber Party" Remix

Jordan Miller

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3 minutes ago, nhkdarkevil said:

Just put my cover here.


This is great. Team B should steal this and use it. We know they read Exhale and this song needs the full single treatment with a cover.Β 

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3 minutes ago, BritneyIsPurePerfection said:

Guys, either way if you like the track or not, support Britney and buy it on itunes or gift it if you are able. Show some respect to her, she worked really hard on this album. She deserves success.

can someone gift me the song please!!!!!! im not able to buy it here in PerΓΊ my email account is aleco.cch@gmail.com

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1 minute ago, Denisa said:

Few years ago, was a huge drama here...everybody was asking for remixes and they were really upset because she not collab with people.

Now that she collab, again you are not satisfied

Worst yet they were like "don't change the song, it's good as it is"

NowΒ they complaining cuz they didn't "remix" it enough.



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Just now, blurryface said:

Oh i'm sorry I just got what you meant :meltdown:

yes exactly!!!! only people who buy Glory will know about the song


Yeah, I mean that. Only us fans that pay attention to Brit ( and the 5 fans Tinashe has) will know to buy it. We need all of the GP to know so that it's a hit!

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Just now, Chico101 said:

Britney literally only replaced Rihanna's vocals. They changed nothing else with the song.

So your saying it's ok when other artist do it but not Britney?


Let me break this down for you.

1. S&M was a Rihanna song.

2. Britney gave us a new album that year, and a new song via S&M.

3. Britney added a NEW VERSE on S&M.

...as for Slumber Party

1. We already hadΒ Slumber Party.

2. Tinashe only replaces Britney on the second verse.

3. It really wasn't needed.

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Just now, Mauricio22 said:

you opinion is not enough relevant for a thread like this, so ...keep it sisΒ 


Relevant enough to speak for most people who feel like they should have kept the originalΒ :bcutelaugh:

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1 minute ago, bernie said:


Log out sad troll

I'm a troll because i don't like an awful song featuring some basic ***** with her shitty vocals lol, she wasn't successful before this and she won't be after.Β 

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