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I'm Pressed About... Top 10 (Britney Related)


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1. Will.I.A.M - for BJ and tainting FF with BFB

2. Charm - for the awful MM choreo at a time when we needed so much better

3. K-fed/Justin - for being terrible men

4. Larry - for being so behind the times on everything

5. Daddy Spears - for having creepy control over Britney even though she's 34 and probably sound of mind

6. Myah - for ever having anything to do with Britney's studio albums

7. Little Mix - for writing Pretty Girls

8. Beyonka - for always stealing Brit's thunder and for having the most annoying/tragic fans in the world

9. BBC Radio 1 & radio all over the world - for ignoring/sabotaging Make Me

10. MTV/Grammys - many many reasons.



Yours? :selenerz:

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6 minutes ago, PlayingItSafe said:

1. Will.I.A.M - for BJ and tainting FF with BFB

3. K-fed/Justin - for being terrible men

5. Daddy Spears - for having creepy control over Britney even though she's 34 and probably sound of mind

6. Myah - for ever having anything to do with Britney's studio albums

9. BBC Radio 1 & radio all over the world - for ignoring/sabotaging Make Me

10. MTV/Grammys - many many reasons.

I agree with all of these.  But I'm kinda iffy on #5 since the conservatorship is apparently still in effect for financial/legal reasons only and not so Jamie can control her.  Britney seems really happy, so it can't be as bad as it was back in '08.

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1 Britney not having creative control EVER

2 How the GP constantly disregard Britney's impact on the industry

3 Outrageous video ******* up Britney forever

4 Her not singing live when she could (i'm not talking about dance performances but times when she could sing but doesn't)

5 The constant shade MTV give her (esp with the tribute that pissed me the **** off)

6 BJ being advertised as 'personal' yet anyone could write those songs/ Myah being the lead singer :boredashell:

7 Breathe On Me not being a single

8 Original Make Me video

9 What You Need being on the standard edition of 'Glory' :crying1:

10 How her team continue to employ Glenn Shitley and the horrible stylists :eeek:

Honourable mention: her c-ship but we don't know the circumstances so that's why it's not included

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  • Conservatorship
  • Her greedy team 
  • Britney Jean/william/myah
  • Outrageous/Perfume/MM
  • kfat/justin/adnan
  • sam lutfi 
  • original doll/rebellion
  • mtv, Primeney had no awards ffs
  • knee surgery :kidcries:  I had one too and I'm so sorry for her, it's painful :/ and she had 2 actually...
  • the fact she won't work with wade robson anymore, he is a huge part of who she was as a performer 
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  • Super Mods
  1. Exhale - For driving me crazy with negativity but still having the ability to entice me to come back :selenerz:
  2. MTV - For giving her a bad slot at the VMAs and for overhyping the fanbase :begone:
  3. Radio stations - For ignoring/cutting Make Me from their lists prematurely :drinky:
  4. Team B - While giving us tons of promo this era, there is a disconnect somewhere in there :nyheadache:
  5. Myah - For making the GP doubt Britney's artistic and singing ability :NYnod:
  6. Released Make Me video - No reason to rehash this underwhelming blip in her videography :moorangu:
  7. FGL/Barbra Streusel & their fans - For blocking ha chances for a #1 in the U.S. :rihit:
  8. Justin T - For still being around and having any connection with 2016ney in the public discourse :wontcry:
  9. No pre-recorded live vocals - Because the GP is shredding her alive for lip syncing so obviously :notfeelinit:
  10. Exhale (again) :riha: - For making me think about all this again nnnnnnnn :juggingu:
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3 minutes ago, tsss said:
  • Conservatorship
  • Her greedy team 
  • Britney Jean/william/myah
  • Outrageous/Perfume/MM
  • kfat/justin/adnan
  • sam lutfi 
  • original doll/rebellion
  • mtv, Primeney had no awards ffs
  • knee surgery :kidcries:  I had one too and I'm so sorry for her, it's painful :/ and she had 2 actually...
  • the fact she won't work with wade robson anymore, he is a huge part of who she was as a performer 


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no sequence, but here r 10:

- for not recording milkshake by kelis! Pharrel said it was meant for Britney and for me it was very fitting song for ha coz she was/is the face of Starbucks!?! 

- Grammys are so disrespectful! Like u said many reasons, (but a dusty grammy will never shine like Brinny)

- Myah I can't with her. 

- Pretty Gurls for hurting Britneys discography

- Iggy Hoe

- will.I.fuckedup for Bj aka Big joke

- sam lufti that ******* "hungry tiger"

- Daddy Jamie, enough is enough! #FREEBRINNY

- Kfed 

- Larry sometimes I hate him and on the other hand he's alright! Idk! 



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1 minute ago, MonaLisaRebels said:

I feel bad for agreeing with the Larry one but omfg I swear he has no clue what he is doing whatsoever. :donewithit:

Also pressed about the original Work *****/Perfume/Make Me videos...

and I want Rebellion. :mhm:

Considering he is the reason behind Primeney I wouldn't say he doesn't know what he's doing :frenchy:

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11 minutes ago, XOTIC said:

well she co-wrote that and did all the hand claps and stomping herself so maybe you don't want her having as much creative control as you think you do :mj:

I love What You Need because she sounds amazing and so confident!! I swear if she does a live performance and kills it, she'll gain some GP support back :hype:

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2. Radio for not supporting her, along with ppl 'liking her' but not bumping her albums and supporting her. lots of ppl support her but dont actually rock to it. im sick of it not being cool to like her. most of the ppl who grew up with her are adults now for gods sakes and so many guys supported biebers 'purpose' and beyonces stuff (although shes a bit grittier hip hop i know) why is it so hard to support a hot, blonde southern gal. 

lol clearly that was a rant...im sick of some of my friends kinda treating britney music like a joke when it's like its actually ******* good, just deal with it. 

3. the grammys if glory isnt nominated

4. original perfume and original make me. makes me nervous that those are her last 2 videos and both involve scrapped videos from major directors. (other than pretty girls i guess)

5. that there was only 2 singles off britney jean. i don't care if the album "wasnt that good" it was a britney spears album and it deserved the full singles treatment. i never wanna see that happen again!

6. all the 'insider' rumours that werent true but that i low keyed believed lol 

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