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When did the GP turn on Britney?


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I think people really saw how far she had fallen as a performer at the VMAs in 2007. Lip-syncing is nothing new for Britney (those who have followed her since the beginning know this), but she always used to kill it with the dancing and overall stage presence. When she released the Circus album in 2008, everyone with eyes and a brain could see that Britney the performer wasn't improving much. However, this was mostly forgiven because people saw that Britney was improving and getting healthier on a personal level. Expectations were at an all-time low, because of how much of a wreck her life had been. You have to remember, Circus came out the same year she was committed to a 5150 psychiatric hold. People were just glad to see her looking good and appearing to be happy. The thought was, "Oh, she just needs time. She'll get better." The problem is that she never did get better. Years passed and we got Femme Fatale. It was still the same lackluster song and dance routine. The Vegas shows are not an improvement, either.

In 2009, I knew that the public mostly overlooking her lackluster performances wouldn't last very long. This is the real world. In the real world, you're not going to be coddled for the rest of your life because you went through a tough time in your past. That's life. You're expected to move on, step up to the plate, and deliver your best. Britney isn't doing that, because we've seen what she can do before all this mess happened. She comes across as someone who just doesn't care anymore. This is also reflected in the albums she released post-Blackout and pre-Glory. The songs, while good, appeared to be more influenced by her team wanting her to continue down the "comeback streak" and have an ensured hit. It's great that we have the Britney we know and love back again on Glory. But by now, the GP isn't taking notice and I don't blame them.

As a fan, I learned during the Circus era to not have ANY expectations when it comes to Britney. Just take what she gives you for what it is. Bless her fans who still have hope the Britney of 2003 will emerge again. Sadly, I think those days are long gone. 

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People are going to say that there have always been extreme haters of Britney since the BOMT days, and that's true. It has always been, and it always will be, cool to hate Britney. But the majority of the public was obsessed with her up until her forty-eight hour marriage to Jason Alexander. That's when the first real shift started. And when she got with Kevin, it didn't get any better. And then of course there's 2007 -- and while people may have been accepting and welcoming when she came back with Circus, the majority of the public made fun of her in 2007.

Still, she was sort of a favorite again in the public eye and people supported her return and called her stronger than ever, but it started going downhill during the FF era. Britney Jean did not help it any. And with the promotion stopping and her being out of the mainstream eye, for the most part, for two years... yeah. That's where she stands right now.

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She has always had haters. I will say probably around 2003-2007 she experience a lot more than usual and then that turned into most people realizing **** was really serious and they rooted for her or at least wished her the best. I have noticed a lot more hate than usual this era too and i'm not even sure why....even more than during Femme Fatale which is like seriously wtf??

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I'll take some small amount of criticism due to her lip-syncing over the media insanity that consumed her life in 2007 any day of the week.

This is NOTHING.

Also, with all the hate she received during that time, I also felt like the general sentiment was one of sympathy. I really felt like the majority of people were rooting for her and wanted her to "come back." Hence the disappointment people feel now.     

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She's always been criticized since 1998, the thing is that nowadays everybody can be heard by social networks (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) so it turns 1 bad opinion into thousands of bad opinions and it goes viral. Had it happened in the early 00's that would have been just another average performance by Britney.

Do you really think that the whole Dream within a dream tour was exactly as the one in Vegas for HBO? or The Onyx Hotel Tour as the one in Miami? Hell, no. She surely had bad days when she did OK performances but, what's the difference? Back then, no one had smartphones recording it all and posting it on Internet to comment about it. We used to go to her shows and we kept with it to ourselves, just the experience, maybe some low quality photos/videos but that was it.

Yes, she does things in the wrong way, but the industry HAS CHANGED, this is not 00's anymore and it seems her team doesn't get it BY ANY MEANS. :donewithit:

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2 hours ago, I'mAMomNow said:

Honestly, I think a part of why the GP has turned away from her is what has helped Britney return back from all that happened in 2007: her private, guarded nature. Part of what makes a comeback story so interesting and makes people want to root for you is the redemption story. In Britney's case, after 2007, she understandably became more guarded, some of this was not by choice due to her conservatorship. Whether the GP is entitled to it or not, everyone wanted to see that vulnerable, personal side of Britney as she redeemed herself after her breakdown. The Circus era only showed the GP that Britney the musician was still here, and FTR gave some glimpses into the personal side of the comeback, but beyond that, there was little in the way of substance. Femme Fatale era showed a Britney just going through the motions. I agree that X-Factor was the nail in the coffin. By being on a national show like that, there was an opportunity for Britney to be a household name again, and she had the perfect setup as the mentor for the young group. Instead, again, we saw a Britney going through the motions and devoid of any real personality. In being on a show that was so widely viewed by the GP as X-Factor, unfortunately, that solidified any opinion the GP had of her. Her team is not dumb and they knew it. That's why the Britney Jean era was marketed as her most personal album yet. They knew that the GP and fans wanted the more personal, intimate side of Britney. Everyone was still waiting for the phoenix-rising side of a meltdown story. Unfortunately, it ended up being another let down, and it marked in people's minds Britney as just another young celebrity who was burned out by fame. 


There are some good points there but i disagree on the diagnosis. At best opening herself up, doing some Oprah interview and spilling her guts or something of that nature would just be a temporary solution and ultimately not fix the qualms fans and to some extent the gp have with Britney Spears. It would just invite more intrusion into her life when really what people want is to see is the old Britney - with improvements.

In a nutshell they want to see Britney Spears:

1. Looking hot. Body, face, cool modern costumes.

2. some high quality bops

3. a little live singing

4. dancing a little more with  some harder choreography

5. some kick *** videos

That's pretty much it. There is a faction of the general public that will never like her or what she represents. But there's a whole new generation that was introduced to her at the vmas that know nothing about her breakdown and couldn't care less. They just saw some lady come after Beyonce that was wearing an ugly yellow costume, that lipped her performance and didn't really dance that hard (I liked the energy but from a gp standpoint that is their mindset). imo Fans are the ones hung up on this she has to open up, let us inside, tell us what were you thinking at 3 minutes in while you were shaving your head narrative when most people just want to be entertained.



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2 hours ago, Jdub318 said:

Is it just me or has anyone else been witnessing all the negative comments about her? Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. People really want her to retire and it makes me sad :embarrassney:


i think that vma performance really hurt her reputation :( 


I don't know why but it just seems like a lot of people are hating on her. It makes me sad as a fan. I've always loved Britney on top and slaying everyone but it feels like she's a has been. Does anyone else feel this way? :angietea:


try to read comments about other celebrities - haters are everywhere

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8 minutes ago, blue.monopoly said:

There are some good points there but i disagree on the diagnosis. At best opening herself up, doing some Oprah interview and spilling her guts or something of that nature would just be a temporary solution and ultimately not fix the qualms fans and to some extent the gp have with Britney Spears. It would just invite more intrusion into her life when really what people want is to see is the old Britney - with improvements.

In a nutshell they want to see Britney Spears:

1. Looking hot. Body, face, cool modern costumes.

2. singing high quality bops

3. a little live singing

4. dancing a little more with more harder choreography

5. some kick *** videos

That's pretty much it. There is a faction of the general public that will never like her or what she represents. But there's a whole new generation that was introduced to her at the vmas that know nothing about her breakdown and couldn't care less. They just saw some lady come after Beyonce that was wearing an ugly yellow costume, that lipped her performance and didn't really dance that hard (I liked the energy but from a gp standpoint that is their mindset). imo Fans are the ones hung up on this she has to open up, let us inside, tell us what were you thinking at 3 minutes in while you were shaving your head narrative when most people just want to be entertained.



I agree. Britney has attempted to show the public the more personal side of her through the For The Record and I Am Britney Jean documentaries. If that's not good enough for you, then too bad.

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1. Britney has ALWAYS had detractors. It's just more "in your face" these days because they are able to use social media to magnify their voice.

2. Stan wars are a thing (sad but true). There are entire GROUPS dedicated to spewing crap about Britney on the internet (pathetic but true). Beyonce stans, in particular, are FULL of crap because Britney is probably the ONLY Artist who could truly threaten their fave's weave if she really had an itch to do so.

3. Britney's success and popularity has always been proportional to the negativity she attracts. This is how it has been for her entire career. I have been a fan since 1998. I have witnessed it all. When the haters are loud, you know she's out there again, doing her thing and making the conservatives and various other fan-bases feel insecure.


In conclusion. The day there is ZERO commentary (good or bad) is the day you should begin to worry as a fan.

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6 hours ago, MM said:

lmao she's been getting hate since her debut, it's nothing new. 

this.... the difference is that now with all the social media etc you see it everywhere.... Ive been a fan since BOMT era and even back then people hated on her, but around Slave it took a turn with that "slutty" image people had a hard time with... but i remember after VMA's 2000 when she stripped down people talked about it like it was so bad and she were a bad role model and she had a boobjob etc.... ive heard things like that for 15+ years and ofc it got even worse around 2007.... but it will never go away, haters are haters.... just ignore it.

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Before Scream & Shout she clearly never flopped! She sold millions of albums only because she was Britney. The whole BJ fiasco ruined a lot for her. She disappeared in Vegas, no promo, people think she no longer exists, she's quiet, is really private and new popstars are doing music that appeal to a much younger audience cause they work with innovative people, something Britney does not do that much, she is following trends coming from people she inspired like Selena and Justin... She's like Madonna, 20 years earlier... :angietea:

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I think it's all due to the fact that Britney lip-synchs. People wanna hear live vocals more than ever these days. It's a constantly growing trend that Britney just can't follow. That's why more and more people will say she's a bad performer (or, in other words, that she "sucks").

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As I have already written,Britney's biggest competitor is her old self.People remember primney and when they see currentney they feel disappointed.The good part is that people are talking negative only for her work and it's rare to see negative comments about her a person.The GP respects her as person who came up from the bottom and completely changed her life but can't stand her lack of passion,watching her half assing stretching choreos while lip syncing.

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Post breakdown, the GP has been an interesting bunch. I've heard some express deep admiration for Britney's ability to survive all that she went through in 2007. Then there are some in the GP that say she should retire, because she doesn't have that energy/passion like she did in the past in her performances, but it seems obvious that she'd rather spend time with her children than maintain a vast pop music empire. Then there are those who have maintained one image of Britney in their minds and aren't able to see how "Britney the person" has changed from their own image of her.

I think the music and entertainment industry has changed vastly and people's expectations of what they want to see in a performer has probably shifted, and for whatever reason, Britney doesn't fit that for them anymore. I think society and culture and pop culture have changed, so there are artists that have been able to reinvent their cultural impact while some really do see Britney as cultural nostalgia.

Not bashing her at all, but the GP's attitude toward her is rooted in a lot of different things I think. Its like she straddles a precarious line between being the one everyone's been rooting for and being the one everyone despises. It's a really strange thing to witness tbh

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