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Bustle: Britney Spears Is Absolutely a Feminist Issue


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Then good article ;)

I just really dislike for Beyonce or Taylor to be labelled as 'feminists' as a hot word to get attention or sell records. It breaks my heart that Beyonce is on a pedestal, but Britney is shamed by society because she shaved her head and had a breakdown. I want my kids to know that the latter is an example of a REAL woman.

Hmmm...I don't think Taylor even understands what the word "feminism" means. I certainly doesn't equate to #SquadGoals


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It's interesting, but it still gave me the impression like Britney is being low-key criticized that she's not an open feminist and doesn't have an important voice in this issue. But I feel like all of the feminist stuff that's going around with other celebrities is sometimes annoying and over the top. Not that it's not needed, but for once I am here for music and for fun, not for being reminded of social issues. Britney doing her own thing, being herself, not caring about what other people say, being proud of her body and her looks, THAT'S feminist enough for me and is what I truly feel like is the real feminism. That's one of the big parts of being a feminist, just being yourself and not falling under pressure and being something you're not just so you're liked and loved.

Yeah I don't mind celebrities discussing feminism and sharing their stories because it brings the topic up in important discussions. I don't like anyone judging her for not discussing it when she gets criticized no matter. She stopped discussing personal things because of the media and most celebrities have never faced that level of scrutiny. And most of the celebs who use I'm a feminist as a tag line are the first to  participate in bullying other women. 

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She only believes in it when it promotes her career but if another woman does anything to her then she suddenly forgets the meaning of feminism. 

Uh, where does feminism tell women that they can't criticize other women publicly? Taylor's whole mistake is equating feminism with "girls support girls." Under that definition, she's failing at her own feminism, but her criticizing Katy Perry in an open format does NOT contradict feminism.

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Firstly, when it comes to sexuality in performance and music, it was acts like Madonna and Britney that pushed the envelope, even when they were as submissive as possible, they were still in charge. That's what made Britney Britney, she was in charge of how ****** she did/did not want. If that's a feminist move when it comes to issues of sexuality, I don't know, as well as that, she was also someone who never gave into the media feuds, and was still successful regardless of criticism from conservative america, and was more than able to tell anyone who told her she was too this or too that what she believed.... 

However, people like Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry have hijacked the word ''Feminist'' so they can benefit off it. Beyonce lead a very privileged life. If you listen to her songs about feminism (Flawless, Partition, Run The World), beyonce doesn't SAY anything herself (both speeches in Flawless and Partition were said by someone else completely: someone who knows what they're talking about and is/was actually affected by the issues. both songs are generic lyrically, with no political message). Taylor Swift only throws the word feminist around when it benefits her (like the VMA scandal last year.). Same goes for Katy, as well as that the issues they talk about aren't ACTUAL issues that affect women worldwide.

Britney tends to stay away from political messages in general, because once you get into them, yo can't leave it, or else it looks like you used said group for attention. If Britney isn't viewed as a feminist, or atleast viewed as a good role model for women (I mean come on, she came from absolutely nothing, conquered the global, had her struggles, conquered the globe AGAIN) in comparision Beyonce, who literally says ''Monica lewinskied all on my gown'' when it was bill clinton whose DNA was found? Really

Also, I'm a guy, if wanting equality of the sexes, sexualities, races, etc is ''Politically correct bullshit'', grow the **** up.

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It ends too soon. Like it uses its most thought-provoking ideas as closing statements instead of further exploring and supporting them. Although, I suppose I want an academic essay, not a quick artical...but it could definitely benefit from being a real exposé. 

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I stopped reading at "Be a feminist leader. With Beyoncé leading the charge". LMAO, the same Beyonce that told women to bow down to her on a lead single before she came up with her fauxmenism thing, the same Beyonce that has been writing about her devotion to her cheating husband for the past 15 years, the same Beyonce just the other day had the lines "eat the cake Anna Mae" on a duet with said cheating husband, lol girl you do you :arianabye:

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Yeah I don't mind celebrities discussing feminism and sharing their stories because it brings the topic up in important discussions. I don't like anyone judging her for not discussing it when she gets criticized no matter. She stopped discussing personal things because of the media and most celebrities have never faced that level of scrutiny. And most of the celebs who use I'm a feminist as a tag line are the first to  participate in bullying other women. 

Exactly. Many celebs are just abusing feminism to gain popularity. It would be first time for me to do this, but Beyonce is obviously not one of them. Taylor is the worst, followed by Kim and those petty actresses. It's really hard to find a true celeb feminist who voices the issue for the sake of help, not popularit gain.

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I'm a woman, and all this feminist talk is the worst. Musicians don't have to brand themselves as feminists, nor do they have to write/perform feminist anthems. Beyonce really irks me because of this. She's trying to hard. Pretty much everyone these days are. Britney has a lot of control over her own career for goodness sake. She's a southern belle. Let her be. Stop trying to push this PC agenda.



I don't think that's the point of this article, and to be blind (or willfully ignore or disregard or whatever it is you're doing) to the feminist implications of what it means to be an icon like Britney is actually forgetting the struggle that women face in this industry. It is unlikely that Britney's career would have taken the path that it did (breakdown included) had she been a man. The writer is underlining, what I think is blatantly obvious, that Britney may not use her music as a feminist platform (though she obviously has in some songs), but that Britney's life is a major part of that conversation in pop music and entertainment. 

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I love the closing paragraph!

In fact, it’s easy, even imperative, to root for Britney Spears if you’re a feminist. Britney may never be a feminist leader, but watching her career — and hoping for her triumph — is a feminist act.

I love this! You don't have to scream it that you are a decent human being like Beyonce does. Thank Bey for being a feminist but when you do it like that it starts to come off insencire. Like Britney just being Britney is bad ***- she's a single mom raising two boys (which is hard to raise strong, respectful young men- my mom is a single mom and she raised a decent man so kudos to single moms), a ******* millionaire by 35. The argument her music is vapid is dumb- she does have her bops as does everyone else but she also writes about loneliness, media, overprotection, growing up, her kids, and on this album being ****** and loving someone worthwhile

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I don't think that's the point of this article, and to be blind (or willfully ignore or disregard or whatever it is you're doing) to the feminist implications of what it means to be an icon like Britney is actually forgetting the struggle that women face in this industry. It is unlikely that Britney's career would have taken the path that it did (breakdown included) had she been a man. The writer is underlining, what I think is blatantly obvious, that Britney may not use her music as a feminist platform (though she obviously has in some songs), but that Britney's life is a major part of that conversation in pop music and entertainment. 

That was exactly the point of the article, yes.

But my opinion on this subject as a whole is so all over the place because I can see the points everyone is making that I'm literally just here to say yup, that was the point the writer was trying to make. It had nothing to do with trying to force Britney's hand to identify herself as one or the other.

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I don't get how Taylor is a feminist?  All she sings about is her used puss!

Beyonce tries too hard.

why does music have to be political? Why can't it just be fun without worry or subjected to scrutiny because it doesn't send a message about the worlds problems? 

Right! I think Britney has music that is fun and **** but also talks about things other than *** and partying. I appreciate a political message and supporting something but it doesn't have to be shoved down our throats all the time. Just support what you're supporting (like Britney w gun control ) and be a decent person

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The way "feminists" in the music industry act on it is very attention whorey:cigney:

Beyoncé's an extreme attention *****, and because feminism is cool to everyone, she's clearly being over the top for publicity. Along with that mess Meghan Trainor and that messier mess Taylor Sssssssssswift:arianabye:

Britney is the perfect type of feminist icon because she isn't annoying/hypocritical about it, it's subtle, and she has a way more powerful feel about her than the others. She doesn't give two sh!ts if she's **** shamed, she's ****** because she wants to be and isn't here to please men, a lot of her videos show her with more power than men, and from time to time she mentions female empowerment in her work. She just doesn't shove it down people's throats for praise and attention:drinky:

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