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Everyone Calm Down, Britney Does Sing Along In Carpool Karaoke

Jordan Miller

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After all these years you'd think it is already Britney's first instinct to just mouth lyrics of her songs but seriously give her a break, I had a little meltdown when the promo was released but seriously she's not stupid to embarrass herself in carpool karaoke like this. Pretty sure they briefed her beforehand as well, they rehearse this ****. She may not be full on singing like Adele or JHud, I'm banking more on her goofy side (personalityney) to show - it's what makes Britney so likeable and relatable. 

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They picked the clip of her not singing on purpose http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p045tw5x


"You know what, it's a ten minute bit and people have only seen 30 seconds of it. I think it was probably unfortunate that we maybe chose one bit where she was... It was the first song they sang actually so she was a bit shy at that point. Because I think she found it quite strange that we... I don't think she actually watched it before, I'm not convinced she'd seen carpool before. I think she just heard it's quite a big thing... So maybe she just got a little shock. But no, she is great and she does join in."


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They picked the clip of her not singing on purpose http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p045tw5x


"You know what, it's a ten minute bit and people have only seen 30 seconds of it. I think it was probably unfortunate that we maybe chose one bit where she was... It was the first song they sang actually so she was a bit shy at that point. Because I think she found it quite strange that we... I don't think she actually watched it before, I'm not convinced she'd seen carpool before. I think she just heard it's quite a big thing... So maybe she just got a little shock. But no, she is great and she does join in."


Of course they picked the moment when she was not singing. We are all waiting to hear her singing love so to create more buzz, they are showing just a preview where she does not so people will talk more and more about the carpool !!!! Can't wait for tonight !!!!!

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