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Found 4 results

  1. Hello guys! Happy Birthday Britney! The first episode of my Docuseries is here! This is part one. Talking about meeting Britney and other things. Part two will be out next week. Super excited to share my never told experience meeting the Queen. Hope you enjoy! #JayTawndreForB10 Eat some chips and dip and enjoy the tea!
  2. The rumours are true according to reports user @Henry M. Torres has yet to publicly congratulate Britney on her freedom. I personally find this to be disgusting when he claims to be in support? Something fishy is going on behind the scenes and I wanna be the one to investigate
  3. I know that today’s been exciting and so emotionally overwhelming in the best way!!!! I’m sure Britney’s emotions are at a high. But once things calm down… Do you think that Britney will consult her family court attorney about petitioning the family court to regain joint physical and joint legal child custody of Preston and Jayden??? 50-50 custody. The boys are still minors. She no longer has the conservatorship holding her back from finally having CUSTODY of her sons!!! Do you think KFed and Kaplan will fight her on it??? KFed’s been sitting back quietly reaping the benefits of her enslavement and living off the child support payments. Her visitation time was reduced but there’s a chance she could receive increased visitation time as she tries to legally regain joint custody. This matters because Britney was denied time with her sons due to the previous arrangement and Jamie abusing her son. She’ll never get back those years that her family and the probate court were allowed to snatch away. But, these next few years of childhood her sons have left can be the best years for the 3 of them!! Let me know what you think?? #FreedBritney
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