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  1. As we're currently discussing Britney's body image problems. I think it's important to bring light again to the treatment she received during the cship. She said in her recent audio recording that when the cship went in place she was called fat everyday and never felt so demoralized I remember a stylist coming forward when the FreeBritney movement was picking up, and she said she dressed Britney for an event and Lynne and Jamie Lynn were calling her fat, she also said Britney was one of the nicest celebrities she ever worked with. Does anyone remember that? I'm sure the post is out there. Can one of you share? I would also like to tell Britney that you look great in any shape or form and always looked stunning in POM, I mean, this body is off the charts:
  2. Hey guys, after Britney posting those nude photos on the beach on her Instagram the other day, and Exhale having yet another meltdown, I felt like making a thread to discuss what we, as a fan base, think about her relationship with her own body. I know there are other threads discussing this topic at length, but I didn't want it to be only about those particular photos she posted, or to take (or make people take) one position or another. For example, I'd like to mention a few things I've noticed about her and the way she handles or shows her body. I know there are lots of things to say about this, and it'd be nice if you did that here, but let me start by pointing out the following: - We all know this by now, but showing her belly in the "...Baby" video was HER idea. As a teenager. Over being covered in a Teletubbie-like costume, as it was originally pitched by the director. - Rolling Stone first photoshoot. The pictures were obviously very provocative and controversial, but they were taken at HER HOUSE. She was in known territory. - S * x or s *xy scenes on her music videos. She's posed naked or with little clothes in most of them, but whenever she does she also shows herself being powerful: kicking a*s as a secret agent in Toxic, or as a revengeful girlfriend in "Womanizer" or "Criminal", or even simply by being THAT BISH from "...Baby" to "My Prerogative" to "If U Seek Amy" to "Overprotected (DarkChild Remix" > her she's escaping from the hotel, doing her own thing), etc. - Costume changes on tour. She always introduces changes to her costumes, adding a hat or an accessory ( I personally HATE that, but that's another topic haha). This might sound like a reach, but to me this is also a way of actively deciding what to show and how to show it. She obviously works with a team of designers and stylists when preparing a new show / tour, but in a documentary (damn I have an awful memory, was it "For The Record"? No... "I Am the Femme Fatale"?) she said that even though she has a clear vision of what she wants, many times she struggles rejecting ideas because she doesn't like confrontation or making people feel bad. I feel like introducing those changes here and there is a way of, besides keeping things fresh for herself and not getting bored, also asserting her vision and being in control of her body in a more practical way. - "Circus" tour photographer (or any photographer, really): I don't remember his name, but he recently said that he had a hard time taking pictures of her while on tour because Britney asked if he was gay and he said he was straight so she didn't feel as comfortable so she shut down haha. If someone follows you around to take pictures of you, that person has special access to you, so you're vulnerable to that person. And our bodies are not just a pair of b00bs or legs, it's the whole thing, even our facial expressions showing emotions. - Didn't you wonder why she's posing NUDE on the beach now, but she felt so uncomfortable with the original edits for the "Work, B * tch" and "Make Me" videos? The whole vibe for WB is very provocative, sort of light BDSM (not Britney's vibe at all, she's s * xy but sweet), and we all know or should know that the director for MM, David LaChapelle, has a strong vision and temperament. - Every time she shows skin on Insta, the pictures are taken either by her personal assistant at the time (she tends to have tight, friendly relationships with her assistants, always straight women) or her partner (Sam). - How is she comfortable showing skin to literally MILLIONS on people, but she was so traumatized (to the point she actually mentioned it in detail in her court testimony) at having to undress every day in front of people at that psychiatric center? My point is: Britney always liked or felt comfortable showing skin, but ONLY WHEN SHE'S IN CONTROL. It might sound obvious put like that, but it's actually the contrary of what many fans are saying or at least insinuating: that she's getting out of control by showing so much skin on Instagram lately... So my ultimate point here is: It's actually a good thing she's showing skin now, because it means she's in control once again!! I know you bishes being mostly gay and extra and pathological perfectionists would like it all to be extremely polished and always for promotional purposes of some sort, because fame and coins, but like I said in another comment in another thread, that's not really Britney at her core, and if you like that vibe then there's Beyoncé and Normani for that. I would also like to (finally) point out (because this is where I disagree with another portion of fans) that she doesn't ALWAYS have to show skin, that's not what makes her or should make her good or acceptable, but if it's what she wants and needs in her own terms right now, then I say so be it. What do you guys think? Is showing skin for Britney a matter of control over her body, or for the contrary, a sign that she's "losing it"? PS: omg I just found this picture for this thread, do you guys know where it's from?? I never saw it before... LINK (it's HQ and you can see her hair extensions so I don't think it's fake haha!)
  3. I like legs. I like my calves, even if they are not that toned. still like them the color of my legs is just what i want. but i also like hair on them, even if i think without hair it would look kinda ***ier in a way, but i love having hair as well. just two different looks
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