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New IG post: In a world so kind and generous I will make sure I TRY !!!

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26 minutes ago, Fita said:

Actually I don’t think the caption is cute. I see she’s basically saying how rude and cruel and unkind world is that she’s making sure she TRIES and get off her bed everyday…

That's how I took it as well. I want to believe she doesn't lurk here but then I see comments like this and can't but wonder if she sees what's written. 

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9 hours ago, Bigno said:

Why does she have to pull her friggin panties down every darn time?

Why do you care . Let her . She was s** trafficked . She was ***ually exposed and exploited her entire youth as a woman. The world wanted to bone her . This woman is still stunning and get over it . Let her do whatever . Did you get caged and drugged . I kinda think her fans .. some are clueless to what trauma really can manifest in many. Shes a survivor and this is her way of being happy . Let her dance . I love to dance myself . Am I good .  Ehh . But I enjoy it

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24 minutes ago, Steve W said:

Why do you care . Let her . She was s** trafficked . She was ***ually exposed and exploited her entire youth as a woman. The world wanted to bone her . This woman is still stunning and get over it . Let her do whatever . Did you get caged and drugged . I kinda think her fans .. some are clueless to what trauma really can manifest in many. Shes a survivor and this is her way of being happy . Let her dance . I love to dance myself . Am I good .  Ehh . But I enjoy it

Are you ok?  🫨

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