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Britney Spotted Leaving The Chateau Marmont After "Emergency Incident"

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1 minute ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

This is not a game of battleship. Sent to destroy Britney????? By who!!! Stop your paranoid delusions please. 
have you ever liked any man Britney has dated. Perhaps she should date a woman so you can be more trusting dear

The brain cells are lacking. I’ll keep defending Brit as long as lowlifes are painting a untrue narrative & sheep are falling for it. 

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So incredibly frustrating that we can’t help her and that nobody seems to be able to help her avoid being in these situations again.

Blaming and scolding her doesn’t help anything. Neither does pretending that she’s in a good place. 
Just like in 2007 she is dealing with trauma and pain over the betrayal and abandonment by loved ones. 

I pray she’ll overcome this hurt someday before it overpowers her life.

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Posted (edited)

I have to add. If tmz or other tabloids would be tearing me to shreds like that publicly defaming me I wouldnt be in a good place in life either. I mean, this defamation coming from tmz story after story has GOTTA TAKE A TOLL ON HER MENTAL HEALTH


Its time for Britney to address that and sue Harvey and his anonymous sources. That's enough. Harvey is a mentally ill man who has been obsessed w one specific celebrity and he wont stop until she is dead 

Edited by humstarr
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8 minutes ago, Blackout Britney said:

you’re a delusional af. you don’t buy into the TMZ story and you don’t believe it’s her on her insta saying it’s a body double? please stop talking and log off. Typical delusional conspiracist banon.  Yeah Britney looks like she’s having a great time in the pics and she’s perfectly fine! Nothing happened.. let’s go with your narrative. 

For real that user is going on about other members having agendas or being plants it's like what's that person's agenda defending the criminal housekeeper and pushing an all is well narrative. 

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22 minutes ago, Busybee said:

I gotta say I am shocked at how many of yall have lived through 2007 to now and are still falling for this media smear campaign. After everything that has come to light? 

I'm not saying something isn't wrong but we know for a fact how the media spins everything and it's been non stop this week. How are yall falling for this?!


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I need to take a break from this site. If people haven't learned by now that Britney is being targeted by Hollywood elite who keep pushing the narrative that she's crazy and creating set up photo ops. 

Sure she might need some help but don't fall for "she's spiralling and out of control, put her back in a conservatorship" 

Mind blown by how easy people are brainwashed by the media. 

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